I think all of us, including the universe are creating every day, evolving
every day and dying a little each day.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:24 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jojo, I'm a genuine evolutionist.  I don't pick and choose when to turn on
> and off my intellectual integrity regarding evolution.  One thing my theory
> tells me is that you, like so many others who are irrationally religous,
> are doing what is necessary to survive in the hell hole that has been
> created of our civilization.
> I sympathize with your religious beliefs and, unlike scum like Dawkins et
> al, I do not begrudge them you.
> Please, let us continue to with our separate beliefs and work together
> where we can.
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Jojo Iznart <jojoiznar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  To Jed and the rest of Darwinian Evolutionists here:
>> I have a simple question:
>> 1.  What is your best evidence of Darwinian Evolution occuring?
>> By Darwinian Evolution - I mean Macro-Evolution of one species (One kind)
>> turning into another species (another kind).  I do not mean micro-evolution
>> (aka variation, aka adaptation.)  I know micro-evolution occurs.  I want
>> macro-evolution demonstrated and observed.   Please state just one
>> example where this mechanism is observed and repeatable.  Darwinists
>> claim that their theory is settled science, and as Jed and other correctly
>> pointed out, science for it to be science must be repeatable.  I would like
>> to see one example (just one example) where this is observed and repeated.
>> (Maybe not even repeated - just observed)
>> Jojo

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