>From Jojo:


> Well, science is supposed to be "observable" and "repeatable". That implies

> a timeframe within our lifetimes. If you can not satisfy these 2 criteria, 
> it's

> not science, let alone settled science that Darwinists would like you to 
> believe.


I think I see where the confusion might lie. I can also see why you might think 
evolution isn’t following proper scientific protocol. Regarding proper 
scientific protocol, I certainly hope the length of time involved for evolution 
to be observed has been made abundantly clear in previous posts. Otherwise, the 
rest of what this post will attempt to touch on, I fear, will be considered 


But you are right in a sense. Concerning evolution, we are not talking 
“science”. We are instead talking “theory”. Evolution is described as a theory, 
but a pretty convincing theory, at least from my POV. It’s called a theory 
because there is no way we know how to practically assemble a scientific 
experiment that could document evolution occurring considering the extremely 
short time-frames scientific experiments have to be conducted within. A real 
authentic scientific experiment would have to be conducted over hundreds of 
thousands of years. Millions of years would be better. I doubt humans would 
ever get around to funding something that would take that much time. We tend to 
be an impatient species. Not enuf of an immediate Return-On-Investment (ROI). 
But then, for Mr. or Mrs. God - a million years here… a million there… it’s 
probably nothing more than a flick of a majestic eyelash! I tend to imagine 
God’s ROI, as something akin to “Oh! Cool! That’s interesting. What If I try… 
THIS!” Thus, God throws the dice again, and again. But then, I freely admit, 
that’s just my personal interpretation of how the Grand Scheme of Things tends 
to play out over an eternity of time. ;-)


What are your thoughts about certain fossil records that seem to indicate what 
present-day horses may have come from? What did their ancestors possibly look 
like starting about 30 million years ago? What happened to those little 
creatures in-between the time-frames of 30 million years ago up to today?




What do you personally believe is happening here?



Steven Vincent Johnson



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