Sure, we can work together, but I was not asking a religious question.  I am 
presenting a genuine challenge that Darwinian Evolutionist must meet.

Just show me one example of a species turning to another species.  Preferably 
one that is observed and repeatable.  But I am willing to back off and require 
only observed.

Surely if this were to happen, this should have happened in our accelerated 
bacteria experiments.  We should have seen bacteria change into some other 
species like a fungi or mold or leaf, etc.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: James Bowery 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Evolutionists As Idiots

  Jojo, I'm a genuine evolutionist.  I don't pick and choose when to turn on 
and off my intellectual integrity regarding evolution.  One thing my theory 
tells me is that you, like so many others who are irrationally religous, are 
doing what is necessary to survive in the hell hole that has been created of 
our civilization.

  I sympathize with your religious beliefs and, unlike scum like Dawkins et al, 
I do not begrudge them you.  

  Please, let us continue to with our separate beliefs and work together where 
we can.

  On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

    To Jed and the rest of Darwinian Evolutionists here:

    I have a simple question:

    1.  What is your best evidence of Darwinian Evolution occuring?  

    By Darwinian Evolution - I mean Macro-Evolution of one species (One kind) 
turning into another species (another kind).  I do not mean micro-evolution 
(aka variation, aka adaptation.)  I know micro-evolution occurs.  I want 
macro-evolution demonstrated and observed.   Please state just one example 
where this mechanism is observed and repeatable.  Darwinists claim that their 
theory is settled science, and as Jed and other correctly pointed out, science 
for it to be science must be repeatable.  I would like to see one example (just 
one example) where this is observed and repeated.  (Maybe not even repeated - 
just observed)


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