For what it's worth...


I do not want to see Jojo get banned. NTL, I suspect there are a few on this 
list who may still consider Jojo on "probation", considering some past posting 
behavior that in all honesty really did get way out of hand. But enuf said 
about that.


I would like to point out to ALL who may be reading this post that Jojo, IMO, 
has recently shown remarkable candor. For example, Jojo recently apologized to 
jwinter for having posted a reply in haste. He has also taken the risk of 
revealing to everyone on this list a few of his own personal predilections 
(foibles) that he freely admits has had the unfortunate tendency of getting him 
into trouble. I think Jojo has on occasion "taken the bait" that others have 
thrown in his direction. And yes, there HAS been some baiting going on here - 
both administered by others, but also from Jojo himself. The point is, there is 
NO ONE on this planet that I know who doesn't possess a personal collection of 
faults for which they are trying to find a better way of juggling in a more 
elegant way. Some of us handle the "juggling" process more obnoxiously than 
others. Nevertheless, the fact that Jojo has revealed some of what he is 
"juggling" should indicate to many the fact that we are dealing with someone 
with character. It should also be obvious to many that Jojo is not stupid. He 
is extremely educated. Granted, I suspect I don't agree with a number of 
expressed convictions and beliefs Jojo possess, but I'm sure there's plenty of 
that to go around for everyone on this list, including me... especially me.


IMHO, this is not the behavior of a Troll. Sure, Jojo may come off as obnoxious 
to some, but that's not the same thing as behaving like a troll.


There's a who lot more I could say. But this is enuf for now.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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