A point of clarification if I might. The siloxane was never present in the
reactor. It was the adhesive used to fix the ash particles, after removal
from the reactor, so they could be analyzed for isotopic composition. The
odd thing about the isotopic analysis: if you read the appendix you will
note that the analyzers had a SEM with dozens of differently sized and
shaped particles present, they chose three specific particles for analysis
and got different results for each. That seems to introduce a bias that
makes drawing conclusions problematic. If some of the other dozens of
particles that were present had been analyzed as well would that have
painted a different picture?

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 2:00 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The dimethyl siloxane type of polymer will confine hydrogen since oxygen
> carbon and silicon all keep hydrogen from escaping.
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:19 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Lithium Aluminum Hydride was not added to the fuel mix for its good
>> looks. The Hydride had a definite purpose. Sorry, the reactor is a Nickel
>> Hydrogen reactor.
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:01 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>> Sorry – but this reactor is made of alumina – which is a proton
>>> conductor. Beta alumina is among the best proton conducting ceramics but
>>> you would never use any form of alumina if you wanted to retain a supply of
>>> hydrogen after startup.
>>> All of the initial hydrogen is gone within an hour due to hydrogen
>>> diffusion.
>>> This looks like a lithium-nickel reactor.
>>> *From:* Axil Axil
>>> NiH2 >Zn*> Ni + He
>>> 2H(1) + Ni(64) > Zn(66)* Step1
>>> Zn(66)* > Ni(62) + He(4) Step 2
>>> You also suffer from the nuclear physics syndrome where reactions are
>>> fixed over all systems. Each LENR system has a unique transmutation
>>> character based on the way the magnetic field emitters  are deployed. In
>>> fact, each nickel particle produces a different reaction.
>>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Robert Lynn <
>>> robert.gulliver.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> so the claim is essentially that this soup of elements were also
>>> consumed to exhaustion, without changing power input or output as their
>>> quantities reduced, in an amazingly perfect process that has as its only
>>> product the highest binding energy Ni62 (also consuming Ni64) and without
>>> creating any observable radiation during the process and no radiative ash.
>>> It will require a very high level of proof to convince the world of the
>>> truth of that.
>>> On 9 October 2014 11:15, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You have some unfounded assumptions in your thinking that are the same
>>> assumption that the testers suffer from.
>>> The reaction does not center on the nickel or the lithium. The LENR
>>> transmutation is done in the hydrogen and the aluminum and other elements.
>>> Did you see this line on page 53?
>>> Sample 2 was the fuel used to charge the E-Cat. It’s in the form of a
>>> very fine powder. Besides the analyzed elements it has been found that the
>>> fuel also contains rather high concentrations of C, Ca, Cl, Fe, Mg, Mn and
>>> these are not found in the ash.
>>> This means that C, Ca, Cl, Fe, Mg, Mn were consumed in the LENR reaction.
>>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Robert Lynn <
>>> robert.gulliver.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> De-cloaking long term lurker.
>>> Latest test result issues that raise my suspicions:
>>> ·         The uniformity of the Ni ash concerns me, the burn mechanism
>>> somehow converts all natural Ni isotopes (smaller and larger!! so fusion
>>> and fission in evidence) to Ni62, but with miraculously no radioactive
>>> isotopes produced?
>>> ·         The test is stopped at a pre-determined time where all the Ni
>>> just happens to have been converted, and nearly all the Li7, Rossi must
>>> have done exhaustive development to judge it so perfectly.
>>> ·         Huge consumption of Li, Ni 'fuel' - almost to exhaustion, yet
>>> the reaction power and COP appears to not change significantly through the
>>> test.  To me that is exceptionally strange (practically magical) behaviour.
>>> If I were setting up a fake there are simple means to get power into the
>>> unit invisibly- like IR or UV lasers, fiber lasers, x-ray tubes, focused
>>> microwaves etc but I don't have enough info about the setup and facilities
>>> to make any judgement on things like this.  I'm happy with black box
>>> reactor approach, and optical thermography/calorimetry is OK for these
>>> COPs, but flow calorimetry would be better.  Unless and until truly
>>> independent testers have full control over the environment and calorimetry
>>> in facilities not controlled by Rossi these tests will not convince the
>>> world.
>>> I'll continue to observe, and hold some hope, but given the track record
>>> of sub-par demos and rumours of unpublished negative results I will need
>>> independent external testing by other than old associates of Rossi.
>>> On 9 October 2014 10:26, Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Jed, perhaps someone is trying to discredit Rossi and thought this was
>>> the best way to do so.
>>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If Rossi switched out the ash, he's a fraud.  End of story.
>>> Here is something you think about. Why would he switch out the ash? What
>>> possible benefit would that bring to him? What motivation would he have?
>>> The answers are no reason, none and none. Reasons:
>>> 1. The people paying for this work do not care about what causes the
>>> effect. They are interested in excess heat. Whether it comes from Ni
>>> transmutation or zero-point-energy is beside the point. It will not be more
>>> convincing to them if Rossi puts unnatural Ni isotopes into the mix. On the
>>> contrary, that will only confuse the issue and delay the research.
>>> 2. Suppose he did it. He is bound to be caught sooner or later. If this
>>> technology ever goes anywhere it will be independently replicated by people
>>> Rossi never meets, in labs he never goes to. It is certain they will find
>>> out he is faking. Long term, he will fail. So what short term gain can
>>> there be?
>>> 3. Along the same lines, if it is not true, he cannot get a patent for
>>> it, or a Nobel, or anything else.
>>> 4. Since people would soon distrust him, this would get in the way of
>>> proving the excess heat is real, and setting up commercial ventures. The
>>> excess heat is the only thing with commercial value at this stage, and
>>> Rossi is only interested in commercial development. He does not give a fig
>>> about science.
>>> Levi and Rossi's backers also have zero motivation to fake the Ni
>>> results. It would not benefit them at all, for the same set of reasons.
>>> Can you suggest any reason he *would* want to do this? Since this is
>>> your hypothesis, it is up to you to give a plausible reason why it might be
>>> true.
>>> - Jed

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