That is a brilliant idea.

Indeed I could make a video of me going out in the street and having people
react to what they feel.

That might be the best way to convince someone even if they don't feel it
themselves (which while less likely, the possibility of it does make me
somewhat reticent).

And a decent percentage of random people are decently excited even if
others are disinterested or confused with such an experience.

I was thinking of trying to setup an energy beam and video peoples
reactions as they walk through it, but I don't know if enough people would
feel it that readily and react in a sufficiently obvious manner, some would
but that might take ages to get.

What would help is it I could find some way to test the device on people
without them having an expectation of feeling something.

That way anything they do report can't be explained by psychology and must
be extraordinary (or actors or trickery if there is no good faith).

Ideally I would like some rouse where people present their hands but don't
expect to feel anything.
Maybe I should team up with a manicurist :)


Oh dear, there go the spam filters I bet :)


On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>

> Yup.   Youtube video is the best way to go.  Basically free advertising.
> Those people whom you say are in no position to help can easily put up
> testimonials.
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 1:09 AM, John Berry <>
> wrote:
>> I did try selling them actually, and while I sold a few while making free
>> tests to see what it could heal, but it was hard to get sales even from
>> people who had huge results, even mind boggling results.
>> It might very much depend on the country, the US might have more people
>> curious enough.
>> But in my opinion it is too out there to really materially interest
>> people in, unless I sell it at a novelty price.
>> And I don't know if I am being paranoid, but ultimately I am sure there
>> will be some suppression from some corner, skeptics, or like a lot of
>> patents given a security order, there would likely be someone wanting to
>> step in.
>> Still I will consider it.
>> Another possibility is a book, many could feel the energy from images on
>> the pages.
>> Or maybe if I master video editing I could make enough money from
>> presenting this in a youtube video.
>> But I kinda doubt it, it seems to get a limited degree especially online.
>> It seems the only ones really inspired aren't in a position to do
>> anything.
>> I still can't get over that, I have been working for 20 years in one
>> respect or another to prove current physics is at the very least woefully
>> incorrect and because if doesn't levitate or shoot out lightening bolt no
>> one cares who should care.
>> And those who do get excited, are not in a position to contribute in any
>> meaningful way, so far.
>> I guess it looks too much like hard work ahead, maybe I shouldn't say it
>> took me 17 years, maybe I should say it took me a week or 2 and let them
>> think it will be super easy taking it to the next level :)
>> John
>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 9:53 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>> wrote:
>>> If enough people feel that energy in the coil then you can sell it as a
>>> novelty item to fund your research.   One of those things you get for the
>>> man who has everything.
>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:21 AM, John Berry <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> After I posted this, I realized I should have made it clear that I and
>>>> many people who feel the energy from the coils and images feel the energy
>>>> very intensely.
>>>> Not at a plausibly psychological level that could be created regularly
>>>> without (stage) hypnosis.
>>>> This isn't a subtle or vague energy intensity level.
>>>> However I have presented this before here, and so I am not holding my
>>>> breath that anyone is interested.
>>>> John
>>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 8:24 PM, John Berry <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I am not sure I have a presentation as such, but I do sometimes
>>>>> explain what it is I do, and had occasion to do so several times today 
>>>>> (all
>>>>> 4 people felt it).
>>>>> So other than this video, here is what I tell people..
>>>>> I became passionate about physics, I cant across claims of devices
>>>>> that did things that could not be explained, such as Antigravity or
>>>>> Free Energy (sometimes I use more conservative "weight loss and excess
>>>>> energy output).
>>>>> I concluded they were valid and I researched these and I found a
>>>>> correlation that explained the underlying principle of how they worked,
>>>>> sometimes I mention that these devices often seemed to be trying to move
>>>>> something, but that wasn't anything normal.
>>>>> I might explain my belief that everything is made up of some kind of
>>>>> dynamic/disturbance of the aether, and that what I am doing is creating
>>>>> dynamics/disturbances that do not fall into the specifications of matter 
>>>>> or
>>>>> electromagnetism, much like dark matter/energy, indeed that is likely one
>>>>> and the same (I might mention the Higgs boson, Quantum foam, Zero
>>>>> point energy and various other scientific terms more accepted than the
>>>>> aether).
>>>>> Then I researched for 17 years (That is by best recollection of how
>>>>> long) not getting anything to really show for it until I made a coil I
>>>>> could feel an energy from initially very faintly in my hand, I found that
>>>>> the energy persisted to be emitted for about 10-15 minutes after I turned
>>>>> the power off which ruled out anything conventional, later I made
>>>>> unpowered versions.
>>>>> I worked on this further (understatement, I had been working on this
>>>>> for 17 years and finally got results I was ecstatic and worked feverishly)
>>>>> and I managed to increase this 'energy' (not that this necessarily fits a
>>>>> conventional scientific definition of energy) intensity and I tried it on
>>>>> other people and I found that most could feel the energy.
>>>>> Then sometimes I explain that I tried it on health complains people
>>>>> had and got regularly amazing results, but hat sounds too woo-woo for a
>>>>> scientific audience and it isn't my focus.
>>>>> And other times I go to the extra bother of making myself sound even
>>>>> less credible by explaining that light is a terrahertz frequency
>>>>> electric and magnetic flux field that puts a stress of the aether/space as
>>>>> the aether is used up in manifesting the Electric and Magnetic flux. This
>>>>> means that a functional device can be made from a pattern of light that
>>>>> acts to solidify the aether and relative dark/black that has more freedom.
>>>>> This allows an image to make a real energy, though it is more subtle
>>>>> than a coil. And the success rate with people feeling energy from images 
>>>>> is
>>>>> clearly lower, though probably still above 50%, maybe as high as 70%?
>>>>> Some people are amazed, other are mildly impressed, and the luckily
>>>>> minority who don't feel it (or don't clearly feel it) I always suspect
>>>>> think I am crazy unless they witness many others feel it.
>>>>> But what good is coils that make people feel a sensation in their
>>>>> hand, or has some health claims that can't be made legally?
>>>>> Some people are really amazed and interested, but none enough to
>>>>> research it, to fund it.
>>>>> I think I can't see much point in presenting it except to answer the
>>>>> question "what do you do?".
>>>>> So I think I will give up on trying to tell people about it, sure I
>>>>> can PROVE to MOST people that I have an extraordinary breakthrough.
>>>>> But I can't PROVE it to just anyone, if they are in the minority who
>>>>> don't feel it.
>>>>> And what do I have? Only a tease that indicates something really
>>>>> amazing would probably come from this space with enough funding...  Enough
>>>>> dedicated research.
>>>>> It is only a proof of principle, a semi-subjective proof.
>>>>> Semi because some people have reported feeling the energy without
>>>>> being introduced to it, in a waiting room while someone has one in their
>>>>> pocket etc...
>>>>> I think I give up, I will make this work myself eventually, so unless
>>>>> this rant has found someone genuinely interested I think it is up to me.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Terry Blanton <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 8:32 PM, John Berry <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd like anyone I am making a presentation to, to first watch this.
>>>>>> Where is your presentation and what is the subject?

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