Ok, well sure.

Kevin, I could show you a few coil designs that you could make, they run
unpowered (They would work powered too).

And produce a sensation that a decided majority of people can feel, I have
had 20 and I think at best 30 people in a row all feel it, but some times I
have had 2-3 in a row not feel it at worst.

A pretty good ratio.

Making it doesn't take long very long and uses little wire.

There are quite a few on this list who have even felt energy from the
images in the past.

But what I really would appreciate is some ability to try and connect this
to what we know about physics to help me get an empirical effect.

Currently it is pretty much going to seem like a high tech version of Chi
Gong or Rieki.

But with the right insight it becomes a new paradigm much like the impact
the discovery of electricity has had and without knowing how to measure
electric currents that is just a tingle it's self.

If I can do as I claim and effect the background fabric of space, quantum
medium, Higgs fields or something then there must be some empirical effect
that logically would be effected.
I have wondered about effects on a Sagnac loop, but they aren't terribly


On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> John:
> There are Vorts who would be interested in showing off your anomalous
> device.  You might consider offering a  program to us Vorts for those who
> would be interested in territories of distribution in the future.
> If your device is as easily demonstrable as you claim, it could take off
> right here.
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:25 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> That is an interesting idea.
>> I may give that some serious consideration.
>> A way to make some money and yet not likely gain too much attention
>> outside of some (to me) obscure religion.
>> And yet there are plenty of Buddhists in this world, understatement I am
>> sure.
>> I actually just recalled that there was a woman who was interested enough
>> in my designs to invite me to her home to show her friends, and her and
>> most of them were Buddhist.
>> So that gives me an easy way in while simultaneously someone to have as a
>> Beta tester or four of the Berry Mandalas.
>> I think I will try and find her number and give her a call.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>> John, you need a marketing consultant, and remember that unlike Hospital
>>> care, you get what you pay for J
>>> Here is my suggestion, which is well-intentioned but some may think that
>>> it denigrates their particular belief or ritual.
>>> Try to tie your images into to a religious practice of some kind. Make
>>> it a high-tech version of a recognized low-key ritual like Buddhism. The
>>> "Greater Ox-Cart" path would be a good choice.
>>> The use of a physical  object can become an important part of a daily
>>> ritual whether it be rosary beads, prayer wheels or flags, candles,
>>> mandalas, crosses, altars or pharma… or … ta-da … Berry’s techno-mandalas.
>>> That is a fairly good description, no? Techno-mandala.
>>> Perfect for prayer flags which blow in the wind. Have them printed in
>>> Tibet and get an Amazon account … these would sell out in California, but
>>> not the rural South.
>>> *From:* John Berry
>>> I did try selling them actually, and while I sold a few while making
>>> free tests to see what it could heal, but it was hard to get sales even
>>> from people who had huge results, even mind boggling results.
>>> It might very much depend on the country, the US might have more people
>>> curious enough. But in my opinion it is too out there to really
>>> materially interest people in, unless I sell it at a novelty price.

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