The trick here is "divide and conquer".  VOS represents these objects with
a lot of granularity, so the updates that actually go trough the network
end up being quite small.

Also, the protocol has built-in support for updates, scheduling, and
invalidation.  If three updates to the same object are in the queue before
the first one gets actually sent, then only the most recent one will
actually get transmitted.

That's a very simplistic description, if you want to know the details
you'll have to study the source code :-)

I guess my point is, trust us; Peter and Reed have already worked years on
that part of the problem, and we're quite confident in the solution we
have.  In fact, the current discussion -- although that may not be
apparent to those new to the model -- is largely (but not entirely)
motivated by a desire for the animation representation that best makes use
of what VOS and VIP already can do well.

On Fri, 01 Dec 2006 03:29:47 -0700, S Mattison wrote:
> But the question comes; How often do you choose to update it? What will
> each user be missing, if one user gets a vector that tells them 'in this
> timeframe, move this vertex through this vector', and the next user in
> line gets something a little bit different, for their timeframe? And
> again, how much load would it put on the server, if everyone is doing
> these dynamic animations?
> Surely, while playing halflife or countless other games with 'ragdoll
> physics' built in... You think "Man, a multiplayer game like this would be
> great!"... But would both players see the same thing? Just how much data
> transfer would it require, if one ragdoll body was being shared, between
> only two computers? How about ten, between two computers? Now how about
> ten, between five computers? And think of the one server computer, that
> has to send all that data, to all the others.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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