On 12/4/06, Karsten Otto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well... Ideally, everybody should host their own content (or at least
avatar). However, most people nowadays are smart enough to install a
personal firewall, protecting their machine from the evil Internet.
Yet the same people are rarely skilled enough to configre the
firewall to let others access their hosted content.

Another one of the reasons I had thought to make VOS a full-fledged OS...

World linking obviously is a different situation, here everybody
really should host their own world. However, I havent really seen
this done in VOS yet, apart from the basic hypercard linking you see
in the Ter'angreal start world. There only was some talk of (re?-)
implementing portals some day.

The problem here is you would need to have a notifier when people were in
your world, so you could port there and greet them. This would require that
your client also be a server, or that the server would not be capable of
running exclusively from the client... How many times have I logged into the
interreality world, to find nobody there (or some random dev idling into
seclusion)... However, if the server were its own client, the host  (or the
host's bot) would always be online, and if there were some sort of sound or
messenger-like notification telling them that someone logged in, there would
be a more likely chance of an encounter.

Secondly, the thought becomes; How do I change my own world from the
default? In the operating system idea, I had a thing called 'overlays'. Your
'host' overlay would be an interactive area where other people would arrive
when they logged (or were invited) into your server. Other overlays existed
for the desktop and applications... But it would be fairly simple to switch
to Host Overlay and change around the world, even when people were in it,
much in the fashion that Activeworlds uses.

3d linking has always been an oddity, however. How do you distinguish any
object from it's linkable counterpart? You can't underline linked objects.
Outline maybe? or mouseovers highlight them? Maybe a bounding box appears?

"If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both."
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