well, depends on _what_ you install and _what_ you
actually need, complete kernel and userspace to
get the Linux-VServer isolation working should be
doable without any libraries and external tools,
just with something like vcmd, but if you want the
full userspace stuff, including legacy and guest
building (which I consider extreme for a phone)
you'll have to provide a bunch of tools and libs
too ...

Hello, Thank you very much for your response.
I just want to build the vserver guest, and can login the guest.
For example, I use below command to create the guest:
#/sbin/vserver va780 build -m rpm --context 43 --hostname=va780 --interface
va7800=eth0: --rootdir /vserver1 --pkgbase /vserver1/.pkg --
-d fc6
#vserver va780 enter

What's your mean "get the Linux-VServer isolation working", I guess we
definitely need build a guest, right?
What's the vcmd doing? I hardly can find downloadable source/binary for

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