David Smith wrote:
I am trying to build vss2svn under cygwin on Windows XP. I have got to
the point where I execute ./Build and after many successful tests I am
getting the error:

checking for main in -lboost_program_options... no
configure: error: You need the C++ boost Program Options library (1.32
or later).

As far as I can tell, I have boost 1.33.1 installed, so that *should* be
OK, shouldn't it. I spend most of my time developing on an XP box
so,unfortunately, I have little experience of cygwin / Unix development.

David, maybe I missed something here but why are you building under Cygwin? Both of these programs were developed initially on Windows, with Linux build support added later on. Were you under the impression that they are *nix only?

The ssphys folder contains a VS2005 solution file that should enable building it there. The ssphys.exe program is called by the Perl script at runtime using command-line execution, so as long as you build ssphys then place it in the same folder as vss2svn.pl (or in your path) you can run the latter just fine. You don't need to mess with Build.PL in that case.

FYI regarding the nightlies, all they did was "compile" the Perl script into an .exe so that people who didn't have Perl installed could run vss2svn.exe. But I never worked on getting ssphys building in the nightly, I always just waited for one of the ssphys developers to upload a new binary.


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