tmharding wrote:

Something strange has happened to my g3 powerbook.

My yoyo powersupply stopped working tonight and when I got my spare out (I have now managed to go through 2 bricks and 2 yoyos) I noticed that the battery wasn't charging.

No problem - fast forward an hour an it still isn't charging. I have reseated the battery and restarted the computer and no joy.

It has also been in the shop recently to have the hinges replaced (this probably has no link at all)

Anyone have any suggestions as I don't want to leave it hooked up to mains in this weather.

YES : But you should at least use this Power Protection which will
relieve your mind immensely AND provide some insurance.

( Also provides some Telephone Modem protection plus I think it has stopped
my occasional Modem Disconnects )

I would post you the direct link BUT it is half a mile long so go like this :-


Then select: Power Protection- Surge Protectors

Then select - Maximum Grade

Then select - Surgemaster F5C208Z2 Tel3

Available in Perth from Macwizardry and other WAMUG sponsors
for around $150 or discounted.

Have fun




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