Sorry, my Freudian(?) slip, drawn to my attention by Westnet. In fact the URL in the email was which is a non-Australian address
Severin Crisp

Hi Severin,


I don't use Westpac except on very odd occasions
but I thought I might just look at your SCAM page.

Interestingly I cannot get to it from here at this time. shows as no such page, gives a Bin Handling company in South Australia

and westpac with the T seems to go to the Westpac
Banking home site.

On th odd occasions I do go to Westpac I go to URL below
which seems tp be the right location at the moment.
We have no money in that account anyway.


Severin Crisp wrote:
This afternoon, I received an email purportedly from my bank, Wespac, informing me of new security arrangements and urging me to login to the given URL and reenter my details. Given rumours circulating on scams like this the warning bells sounded, in addition, the URL, included /index which is not in the normal logon URL. A check with Wespac revealed that this is indeed a scam email BE WARNED!!!! A login to that URL in fact takes you to an exact copy of the Wespac welcome page but once your login details are entered your money has gone!!
All take note, my guess is that all banks are being targeted
Severin Crisp

Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP

15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
Phone (08) 9842 1950 (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
Fax (08) 9842 9650 (Int'l +61 8 9842 9650) email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web pages