on 22/7/03 5:47 PM, Shay Telfer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Sorry, my Freudian(?) slip, drawn to my attention by Westnet. In
>> fact the URL in the email was ....wespac.com./index.... which is a
>> non-Australian address
>> Severin Crisp
> Are you sure you didn't mean westpac.com? Note the t in Westpac.
> Strangely it looks like a legitimate business site, it's possible
> there was a different URL disguised into the original message they
> sent you. Another good reason not to use HTML e-mail :)
> Have fun,
> Shay
Just thought I'd ask this question, after reading Shay's above reply, but
why is it best to not use HTML email?? I don't quite understand what happens
when I click to have HTML on or off. TIA

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