I just spoke to our company support guy re this Kernal Panic problem. He
fished around on some tech forums and found that a few people have
experienced the same thing. Apparently Apple are aware of the problem.

So, I'm just mentioning this so you can decide for yourself if it's worth
waiting a few days to see if Apple re-release the update.

In the meantime, I have the laborious task of reinstalling Panther and
starting again.


on 16/12/04 10:40 AM, Rod at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Its about a 20 minute job *if* it is a software problem.  I'd suggest
> calling Daniel @ Macwizardry on 0414 795 960, as he does call outs and is a
> bit of a wizz on software :-)
> Seeya
> Rod!