------ Forwarded Message
From: Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:15:30 +0800
To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: 10.3.7 Is Out- HELP!!

Downloading this update seems to have killed my powerbook. Any ideas?

...and I lost the ability to log in with the delta 10.3.7 update via
Software Update from 10.3.6 (YASU - which clears caches/repairs
permissions/prebinds applications - had been run recently, although not
immediately before update).  Followed steps in Apple KB Article 106464 (Your
Mac won't start up in Mac OS X) and ran Disk Warrior 3.02 over drive, but no
joy (running fsck in single user mode only identified one orphaned node and
repairing it still did not fix log in problem), so did 'archive & install'
and was able to log in under 10.3.0, so ran Software Update again.  This
time the combo 10.3.7 Update came down, along with 4 other updates  BUT then
again lost the ability to log in (and lots of sleep...and the playlist for
the Xmas work function..) ... So another archive and install tonight, but
this time just used saved packages (from Previous system folder) and a
independently downloaded combo 10.3.7 package (thanks Jock - this dmg had
successfully updated a number of different Macs) to get a working OS (ie
only used Software Update to determine what I needed to install).

Why the problem...perhaps there were some corrupted update packages coming
off the Software Update servers yesterday or corrupted ones in particular
ISP caches??  Anyway time to enjoy some sleep.
