
Just after christmas I spent quite a bit of time looking at the multi-function printers. At the time Harvey Norman had the the Lexmark X1170 for about $80-90. I was at their City West store and kept going between the different makes/models they had on display.

I ended up settling on the HP PSC1315 for $130 (about $50 off rrp). The base model was good, but the next one up (the PSC1315) has a USB connection on the front for "pict bridge" printing from a compatible camera, whilst the top model had the card reader slots on the front.

I have been very happy with the machine so far, and that has included the production of an A4 (both sides) full-colour newsletter per day for ten consecutive days (lots of work). The original cartridges are still going despite the quite heavy workload, and they are only about $30 per cartridge.

One of the main factors that helped to decide on this printer was the fact that it had one of the smallest footprints for this type of device, which is very important on my home computer desk.

Now I just need to update the camera to one that has "Pict Bridge" support.......

My 2c

Daniel F

On 28/01/2005, at 14:25, Bart Raffaeler wrote:

Hi all
Has anyone out there bought Lexmark printer model X1170 has a scanner and
copy function,
They have them for $94 at the post Office shops,
Has anyone use one on (of course) on a Mac and what are they like, I heard
that there cartridge refills may be expensive.



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