On 12/04/2005, at 11:56 AM, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:

Hi Rod

Have you set up the Classic side drivers for the Typhoon? Even though you are running Classic, the printing structures of OS 9 and OS X are entirely different and separate (unlike networking). Seeing as it is a localtalk printer, does it appear when you click on the Laserwriter 8 icon in the Chooser? Does the printer appear when you directly connect the printer (via localtalk box) to the iBook?

I assume all is well, if I connect the iBook via Ethernet to the router it prints in Classic.

But in Classic via Wireless you can't see the printer in Chooser. Nor can you see the other computers on the network via AppleShare though you can connect to them by typing the IP address in the box in Chooser.

Aaahh, that's because your wireless router does not support Appletalk/Appleshare. The IP stuff is fine, as it is an industry standard. Appletalk is a unique piece of Apple software, and sounds like it is unsupported by the wireless component of your router.

