Just found Mark & Greg's contributions

Mark wrote:
assign an IP address to the printer (though it may already picking it up from the router via DHCP if so configured - best to make it static though)

find "desktop printer utility" in classic app utilities folder and use that to set up a tcp/ip printer connection

With the LinkSys router the Printer was always listed with an IP address but it does not show up in the list for the DSL router.

I shall try assigning a static IP address to the printer later, have to go out now and try out a new printer. The Typhoon is about on its last legs and no longer repairable and I am ambivalent about spending more money on the LaserJet.

Greg wrote:
It sounds like you router is routing between the switch ports and the
wireless interface.  Plenty of wireless access points with inbuilt switches
just switch between the switch ports and the wireless.

If this is true, then as others have pointed out, the routing software on
the G604T would need to specifically route Appletalk - unfortunately not
something most consumer grade routers do, they only route IP.  However, if
you connect to a switch port you shouldn't have any problems.

A little strange that Dlink route between the switch and the wireless as
that would be a little more expensive than just switching.

This is a bit over my head but I shall read it again later when I have more time.

Thanks to everyone for being so helpful, it is a great list.
