On 05/05/2005, at 9:43 AM, Christof Slawomirski wrote:

Hi all,

does anybody know of any particularly good (or particularly bad) firewire 800 external hard drives that I should be aware of? I'm looking at purchasing one of these drives for my 15" Powerbook 1.25GHz/512MB

LaCie d2 160gb, I have 2 of these and have had for the past 12 months without a problem. I utilise these for Digital Video Editing and backup with a PB 17" with firewire 800 and 400 on machines that do not have the 800 connection.

Actually that brings up a point why the camera manufacturers with the advent of large files and bandwidth size have not adapted Firewire 800. Would rectify a few problems especially with the VTR's for HD coming online and the troubles Panasonic and Apple are having with the AJ-HD1200A.


Rob Davies
"You can always tell if you're working on a Mac or a PC," he said. "Just take your applications and stick them in and see if they run (Gates 05)." If it does Welcome to Mac OS X!