On 22/05/2005, at 10:22 PM, Lloyd White wrote:

I am using Tiger 10.4.1 on an iMac.

I did an erase and install of Tiger and in doing so lost Classic.

I am trying to install Classic again and have my original iMac software OS 9
Install and Restore on three CDs.

I also have OS 9.2.1 install and and the OS9 Restore CD as well as OSX 10.2
Install disks 1 and 2.

I canĀ¹t get the computer to start up from any of these disks to install
classic. Holding down the C key does nothing and the start-up preference
does not even show any of the disks.

Can I just copy in the OS 9 System folder from the Restore CD into the OSX system folder or do I have to go through the install process? If so how do I
get to it.  I a just going round in circles now.


OS9 fits on 1 x CD . I would not know why you have 3 x CD's.

Your message above is not clear whether you tried double clicking on the Installer icon
while running Tiger. ?

The OS9 operating system on the CD is likely an abbreviated version, which is probably
not enough for what you want.

Do you have another Mac around that you can use which has OS9 on it ?
Can you connect the 2 together Target Disk mode via Firewire ?

Have fun
