I am using Tiger 10.4.1 on an iMac.

I did an erase and install of Tiger and in doing so lost Classic.

I am trying to install Classic again and have my original iMac software OS 9
Install and Restore on three CDs.

I also have OS 9.2.1 install and and the OS9 Restore CD as well as OSX 10.2
Install disks 1 and 2.

I canĀ¹t get the computer to start up from any of these disks to install
classic.  Holding down the C key does nothing and the start-up preference
does not even show any of the disks.

Can I just copy in the OS 9 System folder from the Restore CD into the OSX
system folder or do I have to go through the install process? If so how do I
get to it.  I a just going round in circles now.

