
On 14/07/2005, at 7:22am, Peter Sealy wrote:

On 13/07/2005, at 10:12 PM, Murdoch Allen wrote:

what's the consensus of Tiger
is it worth the upgrade or not ??

Yes with a ?, but since the update released yesterday I now say yes with a definite +.

Airport is a lot more stable under Tiger, and even better with 10.4.2, which also gave security a big hike for Airport.

A lot of issues with Safari and networking have been repaired with the update.

X11 reverted to Unix standards of utilising /usr/local which caused a few issues for some programs I use, but since removing my workarounds from Panther they install as should be and work a treat. Security has been tightened extensively in Tiger.

Security for multiple users on one machine is a lot tighter now which causes issue for some, but again one must learn to adjust. Overall firewall and other security devices make it very safe in an open and vicious world, worth the upgrade alone if you work in a network environment or frequent the internet.

Spotlight is very useful for simple upper layer environment, but for delving deeper I still use locate. It took awhile to adjust now I can not look back as I have had to do with other peoples machines.

The biggest problem I have with Spotlight is this. I have an external FW drive which I use for backups, a full clone of my HD, at weekly intervals. Pre Tiger I would connect the FW drive and just start the backup clone. Now with Tiger's Spotlight as soon as I connect the FW drive Spotlight starts to index it and I have to wait until the indexing process is finished before I can clone to it. And then as the cloning process is running, Spotlight is reindexing. Yes there are workarounds for these difficulties but for me it is a pain to have to do so. The forums [Apple Discussion Boards, ArsTechnica, MacNN] have many threads on this "problem" but other than the so far several workarounds, no permanent solution. The situation is not a problem for anyone who keeps a backup disk permanently connected to your HD and regularly backs up, but that is not the answer for me and I suspect everyone who uses a notebook. This "problem" has occupied GBs of cyperspace and I won't clog this list with repeating it.

Automater is a friend in this situation, search for already created actions or try and build your own, but it will do the job. I have seen set ups that do what you are attempting with one click.

I had reservations with Tiger, but once I used other Mac machines which have not been upgraded I would say it is definitely worth the transition and now .2 is out most of my issues have been resolved.
