Heh heh - I never do Matt. I thought I'd heard on the Grapevine though that
Apple were attempting to be more competitive in that area.


On 8/8/06 12:23 PM, "Matthew Healey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 08/08/2006, at 10:02 AM, Oldham, Toby wrote:
>> The Mac Pros are nice looking machines ... But the price tag ... I
>> jumped
>> onto the Apple store and configured the 'recommended' workstation.
>> Bumped
>> the ram to 2gig, left the drive as is, chucked in the ATI graphics
>> card and
>> added Bluetooth and Airport ... $5k+
> For the love of god, don't buy Apple RAM. It's freakishly expensive.
> - Matt
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