On 25/02/2007, at 3:56 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Dear WAMUGgers

About a week ago my G4 PowerBook 15" 1.67 10.4.8 developed a distressing habit. It won't run unless the power supply is connected. If I remover the power, it immediately shuts down and the date/time reverts to 1970. It may also require a 'forced' restart to get it going again. It has a new battery, replaced under warranty in December 2006 and MiniBatteryLogger (a nice app I read about recently to trouble-shoot wayward batteries), tells me it is close to perfect. I've tried resetting the Power Management Unit (PMU) as per Apple http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html? artnum=14449 but that made no difference. Any ideas before I send it off to the Apple Doctor?

Hi Reg,

When you have the Battery Adapter connected to your PowerBook does the charge light come on & eventually go Green? If not, it could be the Power Adapter is not working correctly & therefore not charging your PowerBook.

Unplug the power adapter from the wall, let it sit for 60 seconds, and then plug the adapter back in.

If the adapter works after this 60-second "rest," you most likely have a line noise issue with your power source that will require you to reset the adapter (by repeating this moment of rest) periodically. This happens when the AC adapter's over voltage protection feature senses ground noise and then turns off the adapter. Some possible sources of line noise include lights with ballasts, refrigerators, or mini refrigerators that are on the same electrical circuit as your computer.

