Hi Steven,

Your G4 PowerBook probably came with OSX10.3.3 installed.
You should be able to just install iMovie4, iPhoto4 & iTunes from the Mac OSX10.3.3 install disc. GarageBand & iDVD4 were on the Restore Disc (which you have reinstalled).

After reinstalling these applications be sure to run 'Software Update' to ensure that available updates to these applications are applied.


On 06/05/2007, at 3:53 PM, Steven wrote:

Oops, I celebrated prematurely.

I now realise I need iMovie installed as well. Trouble is, it seems that iMovie is not a separate application to re-install (as is iDVD, GarageBand), but forms part of MacOSX as it came with my PowerBook. To obtain iMovie again, do I have a choice other than to do a whole system reinstallation?

Cheers, Steven

On 6/5/07 3:02 PM, "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Bob and Daniel - I did go hunting after Bob's prompt, found disks pretty much in line with what Daniel has said (ie. two reinstall disks that
came with my PowerBook, there were no other disks with the Tiger OS I
purchased separately later), and now have iDVD back on my machine.

Cheers, Steven

On 6/5/07 2:27 PM, "Daniel Kerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Steven ( and all)

Yes, Bob's on the right track. Even though you may a separate Tiger Disk, you'll need to go back to the original disks that came with the computer. On these you'll find an installer called (and I'm working from memory here), something like "Install Additional Software". It will go through and install a small "Restore" Application in the Utilities folder, which will then let
you install the other iLife apps.

That should get you back to where you were. :o)

Hope that helps! Good luck.

Kind Regards

On 6/05/2007 11:39 AM, "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In May 2004 I bought a 17² G4 PowerBook. I can¹t remember what OS it had installed at time of purchase, but I think I subsequently bought Tiger 10.4 - I have the installation disk for it anyway. The PowerBook currently runs

In about March 06 my hard disk crashed. I took the PowerBook in for
replacement hard disk, and the Apple repair shop reinstalled OSX, I think from their own resources. I can't recall the reason now, but iDVD, iPhoto, wasn't installed. I inquired with the repair shop and I think they said that I'd have to install those items from the original installation disk. I've never bothered to do that until now, just haven't needed them, but now I have a reason to use iDVD, so have pulled out the installation disk.

My problem is that I can't find anything on the installation disk that looks like a standalone installation of iDVD. If I click the 'Install Mac OS X' icon, I'm asked to restart. I have followed the restart process, but it doesn't seem to lead to a point that I can just install iDVD or iLife
without impacting on the system.

Anyone have any hints please?

Many thanks, Steven

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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