> Hi all,
> Hoping someone out there might point me somewhere useful :-)
> I have a 3 yr old 1.8 mhz g5 iMac (Just out of Applecare naturally.)
> Over the last few weeks, the machine has been working fine except
> that once every couple of days it makes a small pop and closes down....
> For about a minute, pressing the power button just makes it come on
> then off again.
> Shortly thereafter, she powers up but (what sounds like) the fan
> makes a lot of noise for about 30 seconds
> CPU temperature is 75% - that sounds OK, yes?
> Anyway, today the machine did it twice in the space of 15
> minutes.....starting to get a little nervous here... ;-)
> Strangely though, I thought it might have something to do with the
> power supply, so was wiggling that while it was dead and the machine
> turned itself on..
> I know...confusing eh?
> Can anyone offer any advice beyond 'back up everything and brace your
> wallet'?
> cheers
> Stewart
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The G5 iMacs have had problems with both failed power supplies and logic
boards, in many cases caused by poorly manufactured capacitors that were
used by the various assembly factories at that time (ie many brands
affected, not just Apple products).  The rate of deterioration of the
capacitors seems heat related, so if your imac had not been used much, or
always in a cool environment, it may have taken longer for the problem to
reveal itself.

Of course excessive heat itself will cause a "damage prevention" shutdown.
Is the interior of the computer choked with dust fibres, so that no
effective air cooling is taking place?


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