Which just goes to show that the Australian people should have retained ownership of the exchanges. That way any company could put in whatever last-mile gear they wanted.

Some times it really grinds my gears that Australia keeps selling off it's assets for short-term financial gain.

On 30/09/2008, at 9:05 AM, Rob Davies wrote:

Hi All,
TELSTRA, and Communication Act.

As Reasoning , research NAKED DSL when technology available, and the actual take up date by ISP's in Australia? Has this reduced the cost ? But, whom still controls communication from exchange to socket?

It does not take a rocket scientist to contemplate timeframe of next stage; be it optical fibre or other technology within the alliances of Canberra.

Policy and political eradication before one considers the actual cost and stately infrastructure modernisation needed for uptake by consumer.


On 29Sep2008, at 10:43 pm, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 29/09/2008, at 7:48 PM, James Devenish wrote:


Maybe every ISP in Australia is ripping us off, but I'm not sure that a tit-for-tat comparison with other countries is particularly fair on
ISPs. I am led to believe that our small market size and population
sparcity make the situation challenging for Australian ISPs when you
factor in the cost of our infrastructure, equipment and staff

Yes, but every (most) house(s) out there already have power lines, water, and telephone lines running out to them. So we have proven that we have the technology and resources to run a unique service to each residence from a central location.

- Matt

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