Thanks Gary & thanks to Mart & Ronni & all who replied, I think I'd have to get one... will check out the AT&T bit first.


On 30/11/2008, at 3:43 PM, gary dorn wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm in Los Angeles, went to the Apple Store today, still salivating!
I can buy an I Phone for $US200 but I'm hoping you can tell me what the best plan is there now, I WON'T use Telstra but I believe Optus & Vodaphone have packages? Can you tell me what the best package might be? I have an original 3 account, pay nothing unless I make a call, hard t beat but 3 aren't doing the IPhone thing.

3 do have a iPhone deal, just no iPhone included yet.

My 3 Mobile manager, said when I am due for un upgrade in Dec why I wanted an iPhone - he said they are still negotiating with Apple about rates - evidently Apple gets a paid for all app use ( ie a data charge)! 3 argue that they have been providing 3G services for years. Anyway He said they hoped to have a deal by sometime in December/January

So I am waiting.

Trying to figure if it's worth buying one while I'm here?
I'm bundled with Westnet at the moment, home phone & Broadband, if there's a bundled package with Optus etc it may be worthwhile. Would be a big help if you can steer me in the right direction please?

regards to all,

Ken Jackson

gary dorn
north perth

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