On 25/03/2009, at 10:57 AM, ianre...@westnet.com.au wrote:

I can't use Mail but fortunately have just discovered that I can use Westnet directly.So here goes.

My problem is that the Mail window has somehow been minimised without its icon appearing on the RH end of the Dock. Clicking Mail in Applications or in the Dock brings only the Menu Bar to the Desktop. Quit Mail does nothing. Shutting down the computer (2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo running 10.5.6) is only possible by Force Quit of Mail. When it is restarted, Mail is still open but only the Menu Bar is available as before.

While vainly searching for the cause and a solution, I discovered that the computer, in its wisdom, had cancelled the accounts with Westnet and “re-listed” only one of them with an ISP cancelled a year or so ago! This has been fixed but Westnet support couldn’t help with the Mail problem. They suggested that maybe the computer needs servicing.

I have recently run Cocktail so the housekeeping should be OK. The Mac is about 15 months old. What do you think?

Ian Reid

First question ; have you lost mail that you wished to keep ? To make sure you keep
what ever is currently on your hard drive go :-

Hard drive - Users - your name user - library - Mail

and do an Apple + D  which should produce a  " Mail Copy "

Drag that " Mail Copy "  out on to your desktop ..
you will possibly need to enter password before it will let you do that

Now , you will have a copy if you lose your Mail while dealing with Mail accounts .

As for your trouble : Usually the first move is to delete the Preference file and then reboot .

Go to:   Your User - Library - Preferences - com.apple.mail.plist
                and drag it out to trash , empty trash , and Restart .

Mail will make a new preference file as it starts up .

Then see what you have !
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