
Thanks for your assistance. I followed your instructions and have a Mail Copy 
but Mail itself has opened as before, only the Menu Bar is visible. 
Preferences>Accounts was changed to the ISP that I was using up to eighteen 
months ago but I have changed it back to the current one and will re-establish 
my wife's account when we get this fixed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Howells" <>
To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 11:19:17 AM GMT +08:00 Beijing / Chongqing / 
Hong Kong / Urumqi
Subject: Re: Strange behaviour

On 25/03/2009, at 10:57 AM, wrote:

> I can't use Mail but fortunately have just discovered that I can use  
> Westnet directly.So here goes.
> My problem is that the Mail window has somehow been minimised  
> without its icon appearing on the RH end of the Dock. Clicking Mail  
> in Applications or in the Dock brings only the Menu Bar to the  
> Desktop. Quit Mail does nothing. Shutting down the computer (2 Ghz  
> Intel Core 2 Duo running 10.5.6) is only possible by Force Quit of  
> Mail. When it is restarted, Mail is still open but only the Menu Bar  
> is available as before.
> While vainly searching for the cause and a solution, I discovered  
> that the computer, in its wisdom, had cancelled the accounts with  
> Westnet and “re-listed” only one of them with an ISP cancelled a  
> year or so ago! This has been fixed but Westnet support couldn’t  
> help with the Mail problem. They suggested that maybe the computer  
> needs servicing.
> I have recently run Cocktail so the housekeeping should be OK. The  
> Mac is about 15 months old. What do you think?
> Ian Reid

First question ;  have you lost mail that you wished to keep ?  To  
make sure you keep
what ever is currently on your hard drive go :-

Hard drive - Users - your name user - library - Mail

and do an Apple + D  which should produce a  " Mail Copy "

Drag that " Mail Copy "  out on to your desktop ..
you will possibly need to enter password before it will let you do that

Now , you will have a copy if you lose your Mail while dealing with  
Mail accounts .

As for your trouble :  Usually the first move is to delete the  
Preference file and then reboot .

Go to:   Your User - Library - Preferences -
                and drag it out to trash , empty trash , and Restart .

Mail will make a new preference file as it starts up .

Then see what you have !
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