Hi Stuart,

I agree Denmark is one of the most beautiful spots and where The Chimes is situated is just Magic. It is so relaxing and beautiful there, its where I go to "Get away from the Stress"!
They do look after you well ... too well ... it's a hard place to leave.

Not having mobile coverage at Chimes certainly was not an issue for me ;-) The problem was they have Wireless Network Connection ... next time I am NOT taking my 17" MacBook Pro with me!


On 04/07/2009, at 3:44 PM, Stuart Evans wrote:

Hi Ronni,

I live in Denmark! Beautiful place. If I'd known you were in town I would
have loved to catch up for a coffee (or chai latte!).  (I extend the
invitation to any WAMUGgers who visit either Denmark or Albany - where the
shop is...)

I used to live up at the top of Mt Shadforth (about 3kms up the road from Chimes) and the mobile towers are at the top there near 'The Lookout'. When I had CDMA it always dropped out going up the hill and I had no coverage near Chimes/Karri Mia. When I switched to Vodafone I had coverage. The rep
was 'kinda' right - it has more to do with the 'hills and valleys' and
placement of towers than proximity.

But lets face it, who wants to have mobile phone coverage when you're being
pampered at Chimes. At least I hope you were being pampered!


Stuart Evans
T4 Technology

On 3/07/09 10:15 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@wn.com.au> wrote:

But, back a few week-ends ago, I was staying in Denmark (at The Chimes
Resort) & I could not get any coverage, but other people with Optus
mobile had full quality.
This amazed all of us, when I mentioned it to the Telstra
Representative, he suggested that we could have been very close to an
Optus Tower ... but did not now why I could not get any reception.
This is the first time I have experienced trouble down south.

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