Hey Ken,

Are you in the Address Book Application? It should be in your Dock, if not look Applications.

In Mail you only have "Previous Recipients" that you can click on & "Add to Address Book" which then opens up Address Book application.


On 06/08/2009, at 5:37 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

Thanks Ronni but it deletes the email file last selected & NOT the address book file. You'd think with an archive install it would have reverted to the original/default setting but something is amiss here!?
If it was as simple as u folks r describing it wouldn't be a problem.
There is also no + or - button to add groups with.

I dunno....

Thanks again,


On 06/08/2009, at 5:24 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Ken,

In Address Book, click the Name of the Contact (card) you want to remove, then go to Edit (in Menu) > Delete Card.


On 06/08/2009, at 5:12 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

Thanks Bob but no, it doesn't work that way, in 10.4.11 anyway.
You can only 'remove' from the list' in the Previous Recipients & when u select from Address book u can't delete.

Any other ideas ?



On 06/08/2009, at 2:31 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 06/08/2009, at 2:19 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

Hi folks,
how does one remove obsolete addresses from the Mail Address book please? I've just done a archive instal, my address book should be the same as it was I thought but my Groups are missing?



Addresses can come from either of 2 places

Under the Window drop down menu find   Previous Recipients

and I think once you find one to delet , click once on it and hit the Delete key

In Address Book  Click once on the name adn " Delete


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