
1 Use EyeTV to edit away the stuff before, after, and in (adverts) the material you want to keep.

2  Save and close edited material.

3 Open Toast and compose DVD, Don't worry if it indicates you will need more than one DVD. Create DVDs up to 3 hrs, but note that the final product will have quality reduced if the total content is more than about 90 min.

4  Save you new DVD as a Disk image, using the menu File/Save as Disk Image...

5 Swich to Copy/Image File in Toast, or double click on the image file that you recently saved

6  Make sure that you have enabled 'Fit to DVD video compresson'

7 Hit the burn button. You should then see Toast first compressing the content, then burning it.

8 The above results in just enough compression to produce a totally full normal DVD.

9  Phone if you still have problems.

I have been burning shows recorded with EyeTV by hitting the Toast button (using Toast Titanium 7.1.3). This only works for shows under 1.5 hrs in duration. I believe I have to export to another format to be able to fit the longer shows onto a DVD.

Can someone please inform as to the best format to use so that it can play on a standard DVD player? Also, do I export and save to hard drive and then burn in a second step? Does this take an extraordinarily long time?

Many thanks for your assistance,

Cheers,  Alex

Alex Novakovic
Best Computer Accounting
041 990 2440


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