Hi Everyone 

I'm using numbers at the moment and would like to know if it is possible to do 
the same thing in Excel or export it to excel and have the same formulas.
I use numbers for cuttinglists in cabinetmaking.
On one sheet I have different tables...one for length ,,,one for height....one 
for depth ...in total 5 tables on one page
From these 5 tables the cuttinglists are created for all the cabinets.

I tried to do a copy in excel but it looks so  different.
The question is 1.: Does excel allow multiple tables on one page
2. : Can i have another sheet with reference to the first sheet with all the 

Thanks for all the answers Martin

PS: Typical Apple numbers is so easy to learn and intuitive
       Tried Excel a year ago , but did not enjoy it very much

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