Hi Daniel,

Also, ask them to check for any font that has any numbers added to it. For 
example: " zebra_01_45_58.ttf "
Sometimes just removing the numbers and naming it " zebra.ttf " they can keep 
the font.

Use Font Book to Validate fonts: File > Validate Font: For already-installed 
fonts; select them all in the Font list.

Also ask them to check their Adobe Fonts Folder.
Inside the Adobe Fonts folder (/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts), is 
another, ../FontsReqrd; this folder has two subfolders, ../Base and ../CMaps. 
The first holds the fonts Adobe applications need for their windows and 
palettes; the second holds files that track special character-ID mapping
that some Adobe fonts use. 
Without both these folders, Creative Suite applications can screech to a 


On 06/02/2010, at 11:32 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

> Hi Ronni and Alastair
> I think we did check that, but I will get them to check again, just incase.
> Thanks for that.
> Thanks John, but the system has to stay on 10.4.11. Another program they use
> only works in 10.4.11 so can't take it any higher then that.
> But yes, that put that forward as an option as well.
> Will try those and see what happens and report back.
> Thanks.
> Kind Regards
> Daniel
> On 6/2/10 10:10 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Could be a font issue.
>> Have you tried starting Adobe Photoshop CS4 with only System Fonts enabled?
>> A corrupted font can cause crashes in Adobe Photoshop.
>> Download Linotype Font Explorer. You can deactivate everything apart from
>> system fonts and clean application font caches.
>> <http://www.fontexplorerx.com/pro/>
>> They give a Free 30 day trial.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 06/02/2010, at 9:24 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Just wondered if anyone has come across a Problem with the follow, or can
>>> offer some advice.
>>> I have a client with Adobe Photoshop CS4.
>>> It crashes on launch, and offers the following log:-
>>> ---quote---
>>> Date/Time:      2010-02-06 14:31:40.751 +0800
>>> OS Version:     10.4.11 (Build 8S2167)
>>> Report Version: 4
>>> Command: Adobe Photoshop CS4
>>> Path:    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Adobe Photoshop
>>> CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CS4
>>> Parent:  WindowServer [68]
>>> Version: 11.0.1 (11.0.1x20090216 [20090216.r.522 2009/02/16:17:00:00 cutoff;
>>> r branch]) (11.0.1)
>>> PID:    254
>>> Thread: 0
>>> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
>>> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000
>>> ---end quote---
>>> The machine is an iMac Core2Duo 2.16 with 2GB RAM running 10.4.11.
>>> I've tried running it in another User account, and it does the same thing.
>>> Have repaired permissions both from the drive itself and booting off a CD
>>> and repairing it that way.
>>> Have run programs like Macaroni and OnyX and repaired and reset things there
>>> as well. (Also ran Rember and checked RAM as well, which all passes).
>>> Have un-installed and reinstalled Adobe Photoshop CS4 and installed the
>>> 11.0.1 update.
>>> Have also removed Preferences files and Caches and support files for it
>>> (CS4) as well.
>>> I googled to see if I could find some answers, but couldn't really turn
>>> anything up. (Or the things I turned up, I'd already tried).
>>> I've also done an Archive and Install of 10.4.11 (And all updates) to try
>>> that as well, but again no joy.
>>> I did find out later on (after doing all the above), that they also had
>>> problems with Photoshop CS3 after they ran an update on it, it then started
>>> crashing on open as well, so they "removed it all". (I found more of it, so
>>> removed anything to do with CS3 as well.) then again un-installed Photoshop
>>> CS4 and re-installed it.
>>> (there were some other things I tried as well, but the 'ol brain doesn't
>>> remember them at the moment. That could be the total of 12 hours sleep I've
>>> had all week,..lol).
>>> Short of doing a full erase and install of everything (All 300GB of
>>> everything), I just thought I'd try and see if anyone had some ideas. ;o)
>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Daniel
>>> ---
>>> Daniel Kerr
>>> MacWizardry
>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>> **For everything Macintosh**

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