Hi Tim,

Another thought, sometimes the problems are not as simple as: it is either:

A Word problem
A printer problem
A computer/OS problem

etc. - sometimes it is how a specific combination reacts.

>From your postings:

On Sally's machine:
- The text box looks fine in Word 2004
- a print from Word to the printer shows the problem with the text box
- a print from Word to "print as pdf" also shows the problem with the text

On your machine:
- The text box looks fine in Word 2004
- a print from Word to the printer looks fine
- a print from Word to "print as pdf" also looks fine

For what it is worth, I am also running Word 2004 under OSX 10.6.2 (but on a
new intel i7 iMac) and I can create a similar shadowed text box that prints
fine to pdf (haven't tried hard copy - but I'm sure that would be fine also)
- I also opened my Word document on a G5 iMac running OSX 10.5.6 and it also
looked fine and printed to pdf fine.

However, from this, I'm not sure that I would agree:
> This would appear to put Word 2004 out of the equation as the problem.

It seems to me the problem could easily be down to the particular
installation of Word on Sally's machine - or the interaction of Word with
this particular printer driver?

Has Sally run Microsoft Autoupdate to make sure she has the latest Office
2004 update (my version of Word 2004 is 11.5.6).

As you say, trying your printer on Sally's machine will help to narrow the
problem down.

One other thing you could try is doing the "print to pdf" on your machine to
create a "good" pdf of the document and then sending the pdf to Sally, to
see if her printer can print the pdf (as opposed to the word document) OK  -
or whether that also messes up the text box.

As Ronni says, re-installing OSX is one thing you can try (though on a G5 it
will be Leopard 10.5.8 rather than SL 10.6.2).

If it was me, I might also try re-installing Office 2004 (maybe even before
re-installing OSX?) - being sure to then apply the latest Office updates.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 7/3/10 10:55 AM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Trying your printer on Sally's machine would be the way to go, it should then
> sort out if it is her "operating system" or her "G5".
> One thing Sally could try is to re-install OS X 10.6 from the OS X 10.6
> Install Disc, (she won't loose anything, re-installing OS X 10.6 does an
> 'Archive & Install', I had to do this after a LogicBoard replacement), and
> then run the Combo 10.6.2 to bring her uptodate.
> Or just run the 10.6.2 Combo Update overtop of her 10.6.2 system. It "might"
> just change something back to what it should be.
> <http://support.apple.com/kb/DL959>
> Sally should repair permissions BEFORE & AFTER doing the Re-Install or the
> Combo Update.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 07/03/2010, at 10:26 AM, Tim Law wrote:
>> All,
>> Thanks for the tips so far.
>> Sally has provided me with two documents, her original Word file showing a
>> nicely set up shadow box, and a PDF of the same document showing a yukky text
>> box with shadow of the text inside the text box. I have created a PDF
>> accessible for viewing at  http://files.me.com/peoplehelp/jmjg2a   this shows
>> the output problem she has. This yukky text box is replicated on her two
>> printers - HP 5550 colour & an HP 8000
>> I tested to see if I could recreate the problem on my iMac running Word 2004,
>> the same as Sally's. Given she has had the same printing problem with Leopard
>> and Snow Leopard I am thinking the operating system and machine is not the
>> issue.   To my surprise, I found the Word document printed fine, and so did
>> the PDF version - with clear shadow box and no shadow on the text inside the
>> box. I have a Dell CN3110 colour laser.
>> So - The document CAN print properly and it CAN be saved correctly as a PDF.
>> This would appear to put Word 2004 out of the equation as the problem.
>> But - On Sally's machine it cannot, despite using the same Word 2004 version.
>> I can understand the actual printers not functioning correctly as they could
>> have inadequate drivers, but I am confused as to why she gets problems
>> printing to PDF. I would have thought that would have worked separately from
>> the physical printer drivers.
>> I am wondering if somehow the Apple printing tool that allows printing to PDF
>> has been altered by the installation of the printer drivers for the two HP
>> printers. I have no clue, just wondering.
>> One option I can pursue is to pack up my Dell colour laser and take it to
>> Sally's and hook up to her system and see what happens - or, now here's an
>> idea - become her printing service for a suitable fee  :-)
>> The link showing the problems in a pdf is active for one month. After that
>> date if you come across this posting, just email me direct.
>> Thanks
>> Tim
>> On 06/03/2010, at 9:29 PM, Tim Law wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am asking this for a friend of mine who is running Office Mac 2004 on a G5
>>> with 10.6.2 and needing some help with printing of text boxes and shadow.
>>> She prints to an HP 8000 laser.  The printer is an older A3 colour that
>>> duplexes and very valuable for her business - but it just won't talk
>>> properly to the Mac - or so it seems.
>>> She can set up what she wants on the screen i.e. a text box with a shadow
>>> around the outside of the text box, but when she prints the shading is on
>>> the inside of the text box and it does not print what is showing on the
>>> screen.
>>> She has used Macs for many years, but kept a PC going so she could get this
>>> feature to print properly. Now the PC has stopped and she is searching for a
>>> solution again to get the Mac to print shadow boxes. She knows someone else
>>> who has the same problem and they just stopped using shading on text boxes.
>>> Sally writes training packages and it's her preference to keep the
>>> appearance of shaded boxes.
>>> She feels it is a printer driver issue relating to the HP8000 and has tried
>>> running Parallels but finds it slows down her system dreadfully.
>>> She's spent hours searching the web for a fix, with no luck and is hoping
>>> someone has found a solution?
>>> Is upgrading Word likely to be a solution?
>>> Thanks
>>> Tim

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