LOL .. While we¹re on ³preview bash² mode (though I think preview is quite a
remarkable but unappreciated program)...
It used to be useful and usable as a very easy/small footprint slide show
program.. Now with version 4 it doesn¹t loop, plays once then stops. Also it
will frequently crash on large slide shows (500+ images) or if a user tries
to ³forward² or ³rewind²  through images quickly (by holding down the
respective arrow key).... Also you used to be able to re order the images by
values such as date, size, etc etc... Though it does now allow you to re
order them manually in the preview bar using drag and drop cool but not a
viable option if you¹re trying to sort through a dump of 3000 images from a
recovered iPhoto library :(

v4 also allows you to select multiple images in the preview bar and drag and
drop them in to folders and applications (old version allowed one image done
from the title bar)

On 18/03/10 10:30 AM, "Neil Houghton" <> wrote:

> Just to add to this one thing which has changed in the latest version (since
> Snow Leopard, I think) - it confused me for a while until I learnt about how
> the change worked (can¹t remember now where I read it):
> It used to be that to add/copy pages from one pdf to another (or even, as Kirk
> notes, add-in a whole pdf) you just dragged/option dragged them into the
> sidebar (as per Kirk¹s article) - you could then either ³save² or ³save as² to
> create a new document with the extra pages (depending whether you also wanted
> to retain the unchanged original).
> If you try this in the new Preview, say just drag another pdf into the
> sidebar, you will notice that rather than adding it to the original pdf,
> Preview now treats them as two separate pdfs ­ just displayed in the same
> window ­ if you ³save² or ³save as² then you will be saving just one of these
> 2 pdfs (whichever is in focus at the time).
> I originally thought this was a major backwards step ­ until I learnt the new
> method to do this:
> If you want to ADD the dragged pages (or whole pdf) to the original document,
> when you drag them to the sidebar you need to drop them ON TOP OF the sidebar
> icon of the original pdf ­ the sidebar icon will then ³open up² to allow you
> to place the dragged content where you want it - before, after or in-between
> pages of the original pdf (assuming the original pdf was multi-paged).
> You will then see that Preview then lists the window contents as:
> ³name.pdf (page x of n)² (ie as a single document) rather than
> ³name.pdf (page x of a) (2 documents, n total pages)²
> Once you get used to it, the new method is great ­ you can work with multiple
> pdf documents in the same window and add/subtract pages from the individual
> documents and save the documents separately ­ it¹s just not that obvious how
> that works if you are used to the old method!
> Cheers
> Neil

Mark Secker (Ba. Bus. IS/IP, ECU)
Computer officer, Business School IT Services

The University of Western Australia - CRICOS provider number 00126G
M261 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009
Phone 6488 1855, Fax 6488 1055,

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