Hi Michael and Ronni,

I have the same problem with Preview - from memory it's been there pretty
much since day 1 on my new machine with SL 10.6 - although, since it is
somewhat intermittent, I can't be sure about that.

A bit more info/description of the problem:

Heres a typical example, this morning I get an email with an attached .jpg
(a concert flier, from a reputable source)

Within Entourage, I double click the attachment and it opens in Preview -
with a blank window - however (and this is common to all instances of the
problem) if I show the sidebar, a correct thumbnail of the poster can be
seen in the sidebar.

I drag the attachment to the desktop - so now I have a new copy of the .jpg
on my desktop - it has a proper icon showing the poster, quicklook shows the
poster just fine but double-clicking the icon opens it in Preview and the
problem is still there (sidebar thumbnail OK, main window blank).

So I tried Ronni's sugestion (in fact, just to be sure, I also dragged the
"com.apple.preview.bookmarks.plist" and
"com.apple.preview.LSSharedFileList.plist" files to the desktop).

Re-started Preview and opened the file by double clicking - problem still
there. Then I tried using File/Open Recent from Preview to open the file -
problem still there.

Now, here's where it gets interesting - somewhere along the way I had found
a solution which seems to work for me:

I quit and re-launched Preview (don't think there is any significance to
this, but I did anyway!) then used File/Open from Preview, navigated to the
file on my desktop and opened it and VoilĂ  - now the poster shows in the
main window.

Most strange - why does "open" work when "open recent" doesn't - however, so
far, this approach seems to work for me.

The good thing, which makes the whole problem more of a minor irritation
than a major pain, is that having once opened OK, the file seems to behave
itself, ie double clicking it now shows the poster OK in the main window.

Also interestingly, it seems to have fixed it for both versions off the
file, ie after opening the file dragged to the desktop (thus fixing that)
double-clicking on the original attachment (in the email in Enourage) also
opens OK now.

As I say, the problem only occurs with some files - I first noticed it with
some scans I did - but I've also seen it with email attachments and files
off the web.

With ref to Ronni's second question, I am not running Preview in 32-bit mode
- why? Should I be? Is this a known problem running in 64-bit mode that is
solved by running in 32-bit? - or were you wondering if the problem was
caused by running in 32-bit?

Since Apple obviously revised Preview quite significantly with SL, I guess I
just figured it was a Preview bug that would get ironed out over time - and,
yes, my system is up-to-date ;)

Anyway, Michael, it might be worth trying that with your problem files - ie
instead of double-clicking or whatever, just open preview first and use the
file?open command and navigate to the file to open it - and see if:

1) the file then opens OK (ie not the blank grey screen)
2) the solution then sticks (ie subsequent opening by double-clicking is
then OK)

That would then tend to confirm that it is the same problem.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 18/3/10 11:03 AM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Something is wrong with your Preview Application. First try moving the
> preference file.
> Quit Preview, move the "com.apple.preview.plist" file out of
> /Users/username/Library/Preferences/ to the Desktop, relaunch Preview, and
> open an image file.
> If it still won't display correctly check if you are running Preview in 32-bit
> mode.
> Click once on the Preview Application > File > Get Info  - is "Open in 32-bit
> mode" selected?
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 18/03/2010, at 10:40 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:
>> Whoops, forgot to say
>> OS 10.6.2
>> MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
>> Preview is problematic on my computer, because frequently a grey screen is
>> all that is displayed when I open something in Preview. However, by using
>> "Print" command in Preview the item I have opened will print.
>> I haven't been disciplined enough to not what does and what does not behave
>> this way - my exasperation level is usually too high - but it includes
>> photos exported from iPhoto to the desktop as well as jpg and tif and tiff.

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