Hi David

Thanks for the offer, but I kept looking & managed to find via Google a downloadable Firefox dmg last night .. got it up & running immediately. 8-D

Cheers .. BarbZ

On 26 Mar 2010, at 10:32 PM, David Noel wrote:
Hi Barb --

-- I have a copy of Firefox if that's any help. 17.7 MB.

Cheers --

David Noel
2010 Mar 26


On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Barb Zahari <buzz...@westnet.com.au> wrote:


imac power PC 750 (2.2)
400 mhz
OS 10.3.9

Looks like the ethernet port on my emac has died - don't know whether the
storm was responsible, but it was OK before, not working after.

As a result (after spending half the night on the phone with 3 different Westnet techs), I've got the grey/clear imac I bought from PLC a couple of
years ago up & running & finally internet connected.
I've never really used this imac up till now & it's never been on line

Now I find it has a locked Keychain which keeps requiring a password - I
have no idea what the PLC password was/is.
It won't let me change the password because it's locked.

(1) How do I either kill or disable Keychain, or at least unlock it?

(2) How do I remove IE totally - don't want it & the version on here seems
unable to render any pages correctly anyway.

(3) Where can I find a Firefox dmg to download - have spent a couple of hours looking & the only one I could download turned out to be
"Firefox php" .. the imac just said "Can't open this with Quicktime".
Google searches purporting to find keep leading to later versions. (Had no trouble downloading /opening /installing a Camino dmg for OS10.3.9).

Thanks for any help!
Feeling mightily frustratwd atm.
(And not looking forward to getting the 30 kilo emac out & into the car to
hopefully get it fixed asap!)

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