Hi Daniel,

Thanks again for the speedy response:

on 27/5/10 10:10 PM, Daniel Kerr at wa...@macwizardry.com.au wrote:

> Hi Neil
> Not sure if this is actually any more help, or more "hard work".
> Found this link about it as well.
> <http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=83832>

YES, this exactly addresses my specific problem/interest and (assuming the
second poster is correct) explains how Apple does it.

> But without modify code, not sure of an easy way to do it.

No, the <dict>...</dict> entry in the .plist would presumably only work for
folders defined as CoreTypes - as the poster says:

>> but I don't think you can make this kind of icon for just any old folder.

> One thing to "Explore" might be to try downloading icongrapher
> <http://www.mscape.com/>

I might try that - I was a bit nervous when I read:

>> (Iconographer was last updated in mid-2003)

But I guess it should be fairly safe to just edit a .icns file bundle !?

> Make all the icons the "normal" image you want, but the smaller one (for the
> side bar) the alternative.
> Then it will show as "normal" in the Finder, but (perhaps) when it's in the
> sidebar it will show the alternative. Didn't have time to test it, but was
> just a thought.

Yes, as per my last post, I figured that this should be a work-around and ,
as you say, it will show as "normal" in the Finder - unless you set the
finder icon size to 16x16 ;o)

> Gotta get back to quotes and invoicing for now anyway,...lol.
> But thought it might give you something to play with for now.
> Kind Regards
> Daniel

OK, thanks for the ideas & links Daniel.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

> On 27/5/10 2:06 PM, "Neil Houghton" <n...@possumology.com> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Thanks for the speedy response :)
>> In this case, I don't think it is just a size thing - I think the sidebar
>> icons must be designated as such somehow.
>> The reason I say this is if I go to my home folder in finder, set it to icon
>> view and then in the view options take the size all the way down to the min
>> 16x16 the icons still just stay as smaller versions of the blue folder with
>> overlay icon - they don't change to the more colorful, non-folder-type
>> sidebar icons (try it).
>> I checked out the discussion link you gave but, they said (as you thought)
>> that it is just a size issue - however, from my test above, I don't think
>> that this is the case - unless there is some special sidebar icon size
>> (presumably smaller than 16x16 or I would see the sidebar icons as I changed
>> the folder view icon size option.
>> I can see that setting the 16x16 icon might be a quick fix (assuming the
>> sidebar defaults to the smallest 16x16 icon) - but this would then also show
>> in the main finder window (if you set icon size to 16x16) - so this is not
>> the same as the default apple set-up for folders such as
>> downloads/music/pictures etc.
>> I looked at Iconographer but it is now discontinued and the developer's
>> website says the latest version (2.5) was last updated in mid 2003 - so I'm
>> not too keen to mess with SL icons with it!
>> It's no big deal - just something I fancied playing with. When I get time,
>> I'll google-on and if I do find out any more, I'll report back!
>> Cheers
>> Neil
> ---
> Daniel Kerr
> MacWizardry
> Phone: 0414 795 960
> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
> **For everything Macintosh**

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