
Are you talking about time machine or TIME CAPSULE ???


On 20/10/2010, at 10:46 , Jim D wrote:

> When I bought my Mac, I perused the Mac website about TM, shock and horror!  
> The comments on the Time machine, by the hundred condemned it without 
> reservation.  It would appear to have a most dodgy power supply, that when it 
> dies (18-24 months) also fries the bloody disk.
> Needless to say, I got the WD book thingy solution.
> Jim
> On 19 October 2010 12:44, Steven Knowles <emai...@knowles.net.au> wrote:
> I'm about to watch time fly and throw TC out the nearest window.
> I got over all of my previously whinged about error messages by one of two 
> solutions, I don't know which one ultimately provided the fix, but erased 
> data entirely, and disconnected all users (Airport Utility > Manual Setup > 
> Disks > Disconnect All Users). The backed up everything from scratch, the 
> major downside being loss of all historical backups.
> The backups from scratch seemed to work. However now,  not every time but 
> intermittently, I get ...
> "Time Machine could not complete the backup.
> This backup is too large for the backup disk. The backup requires 169.72GB 
> but only 122.2MB are available. 
> Time machine needs work space ... blah blah blah"
> TM waits for me to click OK. Then, if I 'Backup now' TM proceeds with a 
> backup in the usual manner, and keeps going until next time I get the 'backup 
> too large' message.
> According to the TM Preferences window, there is about 500GB of available 
> space, which is about right after taking into account the two Macs I've 
> backed up.
> I've been putting up with the inaccurate 'backup too large' message, however 
> just now I had a need to go into TM and recover a previous version of a file 
> I've stuffed up. Disappointingly, I find that TM hasn't been retaining old 
> backup data. I have 'Now' backup, and that's it. No historical backups to 
> wade through. I assume this has something to do with the 'backup too large' 
> problem.
> The problem I'm having is with my MBP. I've checked TM on the other machine, 
> an iMac, backing up to this TC. No problem. Retention of historical backups 
> appear to be taking place for the iMac. All machines running latest OSX.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers, Steven
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> Jim Duffield
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> Skype:  oldozsapper
> "Wolf, Wellington, Shaka [Zulu], Lawrence, Monash...not only displayed a 
> general absence of authoritarian traits but also showed a lively regard for 
> the prime responsibility of the commander: conservation of his force and 
> concern for the psychological and physical welfare of his troops."  
> Prof Norman Dixon, RE, MBE - 'On the Psychology of Military Incompetence', p. 
> 275

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