Hi Maureen

And just to add to Ronni's post...
Given that according to rumours the next chipset to go in the MacBookPro is
"possibly" meant to be the Intel dual-core Sandy Bridge processors and that
Intel have been delayed with it due to some issues, that has put their
production a bit behind. Apparently they are meant to start shipping these
around Feb 20th. Assuming that all the manufacturers may have these on
order, plus previous delays with ones already there to get fixed, this has
put the delay on the MacBook Pro.
Of course, all based on rumours,.....

Assuming that everything is all "Ready to go" and it's just waiting on the
processors to go in,..then we may see them in the next month or two
If there's a backlog to any other reason, then this will add to a delay in
the revision.

Of course, this is all based on rumour and theory and guess work,...so I
could be completely wrong. Just from reading around,....

I'd like to get an Apple crystal ball,..could make for some interesting side
wagers! :o))

Kind Regards

On 11/2/11 6:07 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi Maureen,
> No one knows when and if they did they aren't at liberty to let anyone know
> ;-)
> For what it is worth:
> Product MacBook Pro
> Recommendation: Don't Buy - Updates soon *
> Notes * The 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pro received a new build-to-order
> option for a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 processor on October 20th, 2010. We do not,
> however, consider this to be a significant update to the product line and thus
> do not include it as a data point for our calculations. Consequently, we do
> consider the MacBook Pro to be near the end of its product cycle based on the
> most recent major upgrade date of April 2010 and advise users who do not
> require new machines immediately to hold off on purchasing MacBook Pros.
> Last Release April 13, 2010
> Days Since Update 304 (Avg = 208)
> <http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/#MacBook_Pro>
> Sent from Ronni's iPad
> On 11/02/2011, at 5:40 PM, Maureen <mau...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks Ronni for the links to new smaller iPhone release.
>> Anybody got a crystal ball, or heard any good quality rumours, in regard to
>> when Apple will be releasing updated/new MacBook Pros?
>> Take Care
>> Maureen
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Daniel Kerr

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