Easy answer -  $$$



On 13 May 2011 18:14, "Daniel Kerr" <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
> On 13/5/11 6:35 AM, "Rod Blitvich" <rb...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> is-not-an-option/
>> OWC: Replacing main hard drive with third party is not an option in new
>> by Megan Lavey-Heaton (RSS feed) on May 12th, 2011
>> The folks over at Other World Computing, best known for providing
>> upgrades for your Mac, delivered some bad news regarding installing a
>> party hard drive in the new Sandy Bridge iMacs.
>> Apparently Apple altered the SATA power connector in such a way that
>> the hard drive from the system -- or even the bay it resides -- will
cause the
>> hard drive fan to spin at maximum speed. Even further, placing any third
>> drive in the machine results in the iMac failing the Apple Hardware Test,
>> if that drive was replaced with the same model that the iMac is shipped
>> Apple seems to be specifically disallowing hard drives they don't approve
>> locking new iMac owners into AppleCare in case something happens to the
>> drive within the first three years or using an Apple-authorized repair
>> We've touted the virtues of AppleCare many times. However, a good many
>> keep their iMacs much longer than three years, and a hard drive is
>> to eventually fail. But since upgrading the current iMacs involve
removing the
>> screen, even thoughiFixIt says it is fairly easy to access the internal
>> I wouldn't want to go near that anyhow, and neither would your average
>> Rod Blitvich - Amy & SamĀ¹s Dad
> Yes, been following that once since saw it the other day.
> I'm not sure why they would do that. It does really close it off from
> brands and options. Not necessarily at the time of purchase (though some
> saying that's true too as Apple don't do options for larger SSD drives eg
> 480GB, 512GB SSD), but also later down the track.
> What if you buy a 1TB drive then a year down the track the drive dies (or
> you want to upgrade) for a larger drive. You're then stuck with buying
> Apple offer you (Which sometimes is dearer then other brands or places).
> even at the moment Apple don't offer a 3TB drive, yet you can buy this as
> Western Digital (and others make them).
> This has certainly gained a lot of momentum on some of the forums I've
> reading. With lots of people hoping someone will bring out a hack or
> something for it.
> I just don't quite follow the reasoning for it. You've previously been
> to change or upgrade the Hard Drive in iMac's with whatever drive you
> wanted, it didn't have to come from Apple. So why change it now.
> This seems to be happening more and more of late with certain things that
> Apple are doing.
> Look at iPad 2's for example. Why do the Apple Stores get a lot of iPad's
> (eg Apple Perth in Hay Street) yet the Apple resellers get minimum (or no)
> stock.
> (I was going to go on a bit more detail,..but think I'll just leave it at
> that without starting a flame war,...getting into trouble,..or,..well
> whatever may start from it,...lol).
> I just don't get it. Maybe I'm missing something, or not seeing "some big
> picture" or live in my own little world too much,..lol.
> Just my 2cents worth. I'm sure others may agree or disagree with me,...
> Kind regards
> Daniel
> ---
> Daniel Kerr
> MacWizardry
> Phone: 0414 795 960
> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
> Web: <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
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