Thing about this software on MPB is that the software looks at the hdd temp, 
which rarely gets above 35deg
with the fan running at 1000rpm, cpu temps climb a little bit, but the speed 
doesnt increase as temp increases as the hdd temp stays fairly similar
suffice to say its probably being removed (the software that is)

On 14/05/2011, at 11:42 AM, Ashley Mulder wrote:

> Just installed on my macbook pro 5,1
> with no HDD fan, the software controls my right fan (as reported by istat 
> menus)
> left is running at normal 2000rpm, while right is running at 1000rpm as set 
> by the software
> threshold limits will tell me soon enough if this causes my MBP to run hot, 
> as the right fan should kick into 6000rpm mode at about 50deg
> should be interesting to see how this goes running at ambient....already 
> noticed a minor noise drop
> will test when running graphics intensive stuff to see how well it responds
> Ash
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Ashley Mulder
BSc (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) | (Forensic Science Hons.)
PhD Student (Chemistry)
Department of Chemistry
Curtin University

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