Hi Ronni

I'd say yes to the first.
The second I can't see what difference it would make to them. "Normally" a
hard drive is a hard drive (I know there are differences between them with
models and specs and speeds and "features"), so I don't really understand
this one.
I can't see what impact it would have to Apple what goes in it. I mean, if
someone tries to install a hard drive themselves and doesn't follow all the
"Correct procedures" and fries something then goes off about "Apple gear",
then sure I'd understand.
But if the likes of a service centre or qualified repairer is doing it,
surely they should be allowed the option to say ,...well, it's out of
warranty so here are your options to replace the drive.
And sometimes you don't always buy the best of a machine up front you get
what you can afford for now and might add or change it in a year or so. Plus
technologies change - so you might start with a 1TB drive now and get a 3TB
drive when they're cheaper (or a 4TB drive when it comes out.).
Again, this is just a hard drive so it shouldn't have an affect on the
overall performance of the machine. Or the "internal components".

And what has changed so much from the pervious version iMac to the new iMac
that they've now said,..yep we need to change the way the hard drive does
this and stop "after market upgrades".

Will be interesting to see what more unfolds from this....

I'm guessing your reply came in the ads for 'the pies' :oP hehehe :)

Kind regards

On 13/5/11 9:01 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Are Apple becoming 'Greedy' chasing the dollar ... Or just wanting more
> control over what goes in their hardware?
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Sent from Ronni's iPad
> On 13/05/2011, at 8:27 PM, Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>> Well yes, apart from that Mr Smartie :P lol :)
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> On 13/5/11 7:29 PM, "Rod Lavington" <rodl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Easy answer -  $$$
>>> :)
>>> Seeya
>>> Rod
>>> On 13 May 2011 18:14, "Daniel Kerr" <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>>>> On 13/5/11 6:35 AM, "Rod Blitvich" <rb...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>> http://www.tuaw.com/2011/05/12/owc-replacing-main-hard-drive-with-third-part
>>> y-
>>>>> is-not-an-option/
>>>>> OWC: Replacing main hard drive with third party is not an option in new
>>> iMacs
>>>>> by Megan Lavey-Heaton (RSS feed) on May 12th, 2011
>>>>> The folks over at Other World Computing, best known for providing
>>> affordable
>>>>> upgrades for your Mac, delivered some bad news regarding installing a
>>> third
>>>>> party hard drive in the new Sandy Bridge iMacs.
>>>>> Apparently Apple altered the SATA power connector in such a way that
>>> removing
>>>>> the hard drive from the system -- or even the bay it resides -- will
>>> cause the
>>>>> hard drive fan to spin at maximum speed. Even further, placing any third
>>> party
>>>>> drive in the machine results in the iMac failing the Apple Hardware Test,
>>> even
>>>>> if that drive was replaced with the same model that the iMac is shipped
>>> with.
>>>>> Apple seems to be specifically disallowing hard drives they don't approve
>>> of,
>>>>> locking new iMac owners into AppleCare in case something happens to the
>>> hard
>>>>> drive within the first three years or using an Apple-authorized repair
>>> center.
>>>>> We've touted the virtues of AppleCare many times. However, a good many
>>> tend
>>>>> keep their iMacs much longer than three years, and a hard drive is
>>> guaranteed
>>>>> to eventually fail. But since upgrading the current iMacs involve
>>> removing the
>>>>> screen, even thoughiFixIt says it is fairly easy to access the internal
>>> drive,
>>>>> I wouldn't want to go near that anyhow, and neither would your average
>>> custom
>>>>> Rod Blitvich - Amy & SamĀ¹s Dad
>>>> Yes, been following that once since saw it the other day.
>>>> I'm not sure why they would do that. It does really close it off from
>>> other
>>>> brands and options. Not necessarily at the time of purchase (though some
>>> are
>>>> saying that's true too as Apple don't do options for larger SSD drives eg
>>>> 480GB, 512GB SSD), but also later down the track.
>>>> What if you buy a 1TB drive then a year down the track the drive dies (or
>>>> you want to upgrade) for a larger drive. You're then stuck with buying
>>> what
>>>> Apple offer you (Which sometimes is dearer then other brands or places).
>>> eg,
>>>> even at the moment Apple don't offer a 3TB drive, yet you can buy this as
>>>> Western Digital (and others make them).
>>>> This has certainly gained a lot of momentum on some of the forums I've
>>> been
>>>> reading. With lots of people hoping someone will bring out a hack or
>>>> something for it.
>>>> I just don't quite follow the reasoning for it. You've previously been
>>> able
>>>> to change or upgrade the Hard Drive in iMac's with whatever drive you
>>>> wanted, it didn't have to come from Apple. So why change it now.
>>>> This seems to be happening more and more of late with certain things that
>>>> Apple are doing.
>>>> Look at iPad 2's for example. Why do the Apple Stores get a lot of iPad's
>>>> (eg Apple Perth in Hay Street) yet the Apple resellers get minimum (or no)
>>>> stock.
>>>> (I was going to go on a bit more detail,..but think I'll just leave it at
>>>> that without starting a flame war,...getting into trouble,..or,..well
>>>> whatever may start from it,...lol).
>>>> I just don't get it. Maybe I'm missing something, or not seeing "some big
>>>> picture" or live in my own little world too much,..lol.
>>>> Just my 2cents worth. I'm sure others may agree or disagree with me,...
>>> :o))
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> ---
>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>> MacWizardry
>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>>>> Web: <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
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>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> **For everything Macintosh**
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Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**

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