Sorry about that - ignore the post - meant to send direct to Yansky

on 20/5/11 3:32 PM, Neil Houghton at wrote:

> Hi Yanski,
> I've  found that one 2-episode program (Moby Dick) continually fails before
> completing download - always fails @ around 70%-80% of the 455MB file.
> I've already increased the timeout setting (to 2000!) but that doesn't help
> - so I decided to try out the command line downloader - to see if resuming
> the feed would help.
> I downloaded and expanded the zip - but I'm not sure how to proceed from
> here. In the folder, I can see:
> 4 unix executable files, the iView_Downloader shell script, a readme text
> and a folder of rtmpdump documentation.
> The readme text just seems to be a version change log - with no specific
> instructions - so I assumed it should be self-evident ;o)
> I figured I should run runme_first first and then the iView_Downloader shell
> script which would invoke the others as required.
> Unfortunately the result from runme_first was:
> Last login: Thu May 19 21:49:49 on ttys000
> /Users/neil/Downloads/Software/iView_Downloader_OSX_V7.0/runme_first ; exit;
> NRH-iMac27:~ neil$
> /Users/neil/Downloads/Software/iView_Downloader_OSX_V7.0/runme_first ; exit;
> chmod: rtmpdump_universal: No such file or directory
> chmod: flvstreamer_universal: No such file or directory
> chmod: ffmpeg: No such file or directory
> chmod: iView_Downloader_OSX_7.0.command: No such file or directory
> logout
> [Process completed]
> So I'm not sure what is happening here - the files where it says "No such
> file or directory" are sitting in the same folder
> (iView_Downloader_OSX_V7.0) as runme_first
> Trying to run iView_Downloader_OSX_7.0.command gives the message:
> The file ³iView_Downloader_OSX_7.0.command² could not be executed because
> you do not have appropriate access privileges.
> To view or change access privileges, select the file in the Finder and
> choose File > Get Info.
> Get info on iView_Downloader_OSX_7.0.command shows:
> neil(me)    read & write
> staff)    read & write
> everyone    read only
> I am guessing that the problems with iView_Downloader_OSX_7.0.command may be
> because of the problems with runme_first?
> I am logged in as neil with admin priviledges.
> Where am I going wrong?
> Neil

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

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