I have been with Westnet for a LONG time and am viewing the present debacle 
with growing concern. As you know I am moving to a new house and was 
considering installing VOIP as the telephone and internet service. I had 
thought that the choice of who to go with was a 'no brainer 'but after all the 
comments on Wamug AND the following i am now not so sure. I have never used 
VOIP and wanted to know the ins and outs of it so I rang Westnet and asked if I 
could come down and talk to them about it.The short answer was NO and the long 
answer was NO. They would come and install it for a price but I could not sit 
'face to face' with anyone. I was appalled as I have been a loyal customer for 
years and have sung their praises. NO MORE:-(
Malcolm McCallum

Skype docmactor


On 10/06/2011, at 4:09 PM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

> Daniel,
> Westnet used to send me a text based invoice/receipt, but have stopped doing 
> so. There's now a requirement that I log onto to the website and find and 
> download the receipt.
>  As far as I'm concerned, the customer shouldn't have to do that. The invoice 
> and the receipt should be sent to the customer. Doing BAS statements takes 
> enough time as it is. I don't see why Westnet's new system should add to the 
> pain.
>  I've been with Westnet for 7 or 8 years and was with iinet for about 9 years 
> before that but changed to Westnet in the days when iinet thought nothing of 
> putting customers on hold for 45 minutes or so. 
> The previous problem I had with Westnet was last year when it allocated my 
> user name and email address to a new subscriber in Brisbane, and then said I 
> would have to change my subscription to accommodate that. I refused to do so 
> and now have listed as alternative email addresses every permutation I could 
> think of, of my name. At the time I thought It rather bizarre that Westnet 
> would tell a customer of 7 or 8 years standing to take  a running jump 
> because of a mistake that Westnet had made, but stayed with Westnet because 
> of its excellent service in the early days.
> This debacle with invoices and receipts may be a glitch,  but it proves to be 
> a deliberate move to save sending out emails with text based invoice 
> receipts, the last straw.
> Regards,
> Michael Hawkins.
> From: Daniel Kerr <dan...@macwizardry.com.au>
> Reply-To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:34:33 +0800
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Subject: Re: Westnet Invoices
> I'm not with Westnet, but iinet. I find their invoice system no problem at 
> all. I've been with them for about 7-8 years or more. They send me a text 
> based invoice with a link where I can log in and get it again in PDF if 
> needed from toolbox. Then about 10 days later (or less) the amount gets 
> charged to my credit card. 
> But never had any problem with it at all. So quite surprised Westnet isn't 
> similar. 
> Mind you, I know my invoice is about the same every month so don't really 
> check it in too much detail. :)
> Hopefully it's just a "glitch" in the changeover :)
> I find Westnet and iinet still very good and recommend to people if asked. 
> Kind regards
> Daniel
> Sent from my iPhone
> ---
> Daniel Kerr
> MacWizardry
> Phone: 0414 795 960
> Email:  dan...@macwizardry.com.au
> Web:    <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
> **For Everything Macintosh**
> On 10/06/2011, at 1:04 PM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Severin,
>> I received for a short time awhile back, the email saying that the invoice 
>> is available to view, but it quickly reverted back to my receiving the 
>> emailed invoice PDF on the 1st of the month & then the emailed Receipt on 
>> the 5th of the month.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 10/06/2011, at 12:49 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>> My experience too, more or less.  I get an email 1 or 2 of month reminding 
>>> me that the invoice is available to view, and I log in to do this.  On the 
>>> 5 day I get an email with the paid invoice included.   
>>> Severin Crisp
>>> On 10/06/2011, at 12:32 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi  Michael,
>>>> I have not experienced what you have mentioned below.
>>>> I’m still receiving from Westnet an emailed Invoice on the 1st of the 
>>>> Month and then an emailed Receipt on the 5th of each Month.
>>>> I don’t have to login to my Account.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 10/06/2011, at 11:52 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:
>>>>> Westnet has recently "upgraded" its invoicing system. It informed 
>>>>> subscribers of the change by sending out an email with subject heading 
>>>>> "Your Westnet Phone Invoice". The email starts with the salutation "Dear 
>>>>> Valued Member."
>>>>> That is, of course, the generic indication that you are anything but.
>>>>> Until this month, each month Westnet has emailed an invoice followed a 
>>>>> day or two later by a receipt.
>>>>> Westnet now requires that customers log on to their account by logging 
>>>>> on. I don't know if all members have had the same difficulty 
>>>>> I have had, but the invoices are not available to be viewed. Nor are 
>>>>> receipts.
>>>>> Westnet's explanation is that:
>>>>> Customers have a download limit.
>>>>>  If invoices and receipts are sent out automatically by Westnet, that may 
>>>>> cause the down load limit to be exceeded.
>>>>> Therefore, every customer must log-on and retrieve their account 
>>>>> information, and then download it.
>>>>> When Westnet gets the new system working, customers will be able to view 
>>>>> invoices and receipts on-line.
>>>>> The lack of logic is appalling.  
>>>>> Alternatively, Westnet/Iiinet's lack of technical expertise has been 
>>>>> exposed.
>>>>> If receipt of an email from Westnet took the customer over the download 
>>>>> limit, why doesn't logging on and downloading the invoice have the same 
>>>>> effect?
>>>>> The answer from Westnet is  that is because the download is within the 
>>>>> "Free zone".
>>>>> So, why isn't an email plus attachment sent by Westnet to the customer 
>>>>> within the "Free zone"? 
>>>>> Why has Westnet/iinet inflicted a new system on "Valued Customers", 
>>>>> before making sure the system works?
>>>>> Other questions are whether it is legal for Westnet/iinetl to use an 
>>>>> automatic payment system to pay itself before the customer receives an 
>>>>> invoice and has the opportunity to query it, and whether it is legal for 
>>>>> Westnet/iinet to pay itself and not send the customer an invoice.
>>>>> Note the use of the word "send".
>>>>> If this new system has been introduced to avoid the possibility of any 
>>>>> customer suffering an inconvenience because receipt of the invoice  and 
>>>>> receipt of the receipt has caused the customer to exceed a monthly down 
>>>>> load limit, how many more customers are inconvenienced by having to log 
>>>>> on, navigate their way to the relevant webpage, and then download for 
>>>>> themselves the invoice and tax receipt? 
>>>>> The answer is that every customer is inconvenienced by being required to 
>>>>> log on to (a) get the invoice and (b) log on again a few days later get 
>>>>> the receipt.
>>>>> Can anyone suggest an internet service provider for whom a "Valued 
>>>>> Memberr" is in fact, valued?
>>>>> Regards to all,
>>>>> Michael Hawkins.
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