On 04/09/2011, at 10:04 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

> On 04/09/2011, at 9:44 AM, Tim Law wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've not used the Apple Genius bar service at the Apple Store in Perth 
>> before, so am wondering if my (sons) problem can be addressed by them.
>> He bought an iPod Touch yesterday and plugged it into his (Yes I know this 
>> is the MAC user group :-)  HP laptop running Windows 7 in 64 bit mode that 
>> had iTunes installed and a music library in place.   I'm hoping they can, as 
>> it is a one day old iPod Touch, and we are having trouble installing iTunes 
>> to allow the iPod Touch to connect and sync. 
>> After four hours his diligent father has given up trying to get the thing to 
>> accept the iPod Touch, and for iTunes to install correctly. My solution will 
>> be to add a new user account to my Mac Mini running Lion and letting him 
>> sync his iTunes music via the Mac and Home Share. The iPod Touch works fine, 
>> as we come to expect, when connected to the Mac. 
>> It appears this is a common problem for PC users running Windows in 64bit 
>> and I cannot find a workable solution. I have tried removing and 
>> reinstalling all Apple products from his PC - using both their own 
>> installers, and the PC uninstall process, and I am completely sure I have 
>> downloaded the 64 bit version of iTunes to reinstall - which I have done 
>> several times. There are unhelpful dialogues that come up even though iTunes 
>> indicates it has installed correctly, clearly it has not as some drivers are 
>> missing from the expected folders.  - yay for Windows..... :-(    Bring on 
>> iCloud!!
>> My query is not to help me problem solve, rather to ask whether this is the 
>> sort of problem that can be addressed by the Apple Store?. Or given the 
>> calamity that is Windows 64 bit is best for me to just use my work around of 
>> letting him use a new user account on my Mac Mini to sync and wait for 
>> iCloud?
>> Thanks
>> Tim
> Hi Tim
> I could be wrong, but I believe they won't look at or answer anything to do 
> with Windows. (infact they don't even help with Office 2011 for Mac Outlook 
> problems, as I had a client ring me to fix an issue they took to the genius 
> bar and wouldn't get help with it.).
> Does it see the iPod at all? Or just doesn't sync to it?
> Kind regards
> Daniel
> ---

Thanks Roger and Daniel,

> I could be wrong, but I believe they won't look at or answer anything to do 
> with Windows.

That's what I wanted to know. 

But seeing you asked, I'll tell you more about the problem  :-)

It 'sees' the ipod as a camera, but will not recognise it in iTunes. 

iTunes 64 bit installer says it has worked properly - ie, it goes through all 
it's steps and announces at the end that it is installed correctly.
Yes when iTunes then opens after the installer quits, it comes up with a really 
helpful message:

"The registry settings used by iTunes drivers for importing and burning CD's 
and DVDs are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other CD 
burning software. Please reinstall iTunes"

He has not installed any other CD burning software. Windows 7 was a clean 
install after a disk failure a few months ago. 
When we click the OKAY to dismiss the dialogue, iTunes opens as expected and 
works as expected, until you plug in an iPod. 

Then another dialogues comes up and says:
"Device driver software not successfully installed
Apple Mobile Device (DFU Mode), no driver found."

Last night I tracked down what the drivers were and where they were supposed to 
be, but I've not got their details at hand at the moment. I tried googling to 
see if someone had them stored for download but with no luck. I was thinking of 
installing iTunes on the version of Windows7 I run from time to time using 
Parallel and seeing if it works. 

These HP machines seem to have no end of trouble with registry issues, 
conflicts and things simply not working...... grumble grumble. 

One thing I have not done a second time is to reset the iPod and get it to 
restore itself from new, whilst plugging it into the PC. This is meant to load 
the driver software from the iPod. The first time, the installation failed. Is 
there  a way of reading these files on the iPod and manually installing them??


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