Has anybody else experienced difficulty streaming music from iTunes 10.5 to 
Airport Express and found a resolve?

I'm not sure whether it's an iTunes issue or a more general 10.7.2 wireless 
issue, but first time I've ever had an issue streaming to Airport Express.

Airport Express has latest firmware. I start off with iTunes not being able to 
see Airport Express as a speaker option. Upon restarting Airport Express, 
iTunes could see it, but after selecting Airport Express as the speaker option, 
iTunes tries to connect for 15 or 20 seconds, but fails.

I then reset to factory the Airport Express, rejoined it to the network, and it 
worked for a while. But having stopped streaming and coming back to do so again 
after a few hours, no more Air Express in either iTunes as a speaker option, 
nor visible via Airport Utility, despite Airport Express showing a solid green 

I've also taken to hardwiring my Time Capsule to my MacBook Pro because 
wireless backups have become troublesome too frequently, as in backups just not 
taking hold or taking forever. This is a pain because I have an iMac backing up 
to the TC as well, too far away to be hardwired.

Something else I've had trouble with are the kids' MacBooks not being able to 
see the network. I eventually resolved this by manually assigning IP addresses 
on those MacBooks. 

In case it's relevant, the wireless network I have is issued by an 
Optus-provided-and-configured CVG824G v3. I wonder if it's not that this 
device, or the Optus configuration, which gives me all the grief. But if it 
issues a wireless network which I can satisfactorily access from, for instance, 
the MBP I'm sending this message from, then why would it give me grief when it 
comes to other functions operating over the network? Could too many gadgets 
talking to the network be the problem? Apart from my MBP, there's an iMac, a 
wireless HP All-In-One, an iPhone, potentially three Nokia X5s, and a couple of 
MacBooks on an adhoc infrequent basis.

I'm out of my league with this comment, but would manually assigning IPs to all 
devices be a potential solution? I say it only on the back of seemingly having 
solved the MacBook problems I used to have.

Cheers, Steven
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